maingnumed - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admins:
26 active members

Group identification
Id: 542
System Name: gnumed
Name: gnumed
Group Type: Official GNU software

This software is part of the GNU Project.

We are aiming for a comprehensive scalable software solution for electronic medical practice with emphasis on privacy protection, secure patient centric record sharing, decision support and ease of use.

We would emphasize that medical software is moving from a mere administration & documentation tool toward decision support.

A sophisticated decision support system, such as we eventually aim GNUmed to become, will elevate the quality of medical care that can be delivered.

We would consider it highly unethical to withhold such software from those who need it on the basis of restrictive licenses and costs. It is not acceptable that copyright potentially endangers human life.

Thus, we are aiming towards creating such free medical software suite, protected by the GPL from unethical misuse.

More development information is provided at:

Note that while our source code will remain available in the Savannah CVS for the time being we now develop GNUmed with Git on:

Registration Date: Sun 21 Oct 2001 12:17:52 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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