mainGNU Interactive Tools - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 9666
System Name: gnuit
Name: GNU Interactive Tools
Group Type: Official GNU software

This software is part of the GNU Project.

gnuit (GNU Interactive Tools) is a set of interactive text-mode tools, closely integrated with the shell. It contains an extensible file system browser, an ascii/hex file viewer, a process viewer/killer and some other related utilities and shell scripts.  It can be used to increase the speed and efficiency of most of the daily tasks such as copying and moving files and directories, invoking editors, compressing and uncompressing files, creating and expanding archives, compiling programs, sending mail, etc.  It looks nice, has colors (if the standard ANSI color sequences are supported) and is user-friendly.

One of the main advantages of gnuit is its flexibility.  It is not limited to a given set of commands.  The configuration file can be easily enhanced, allowing the user to add new commands or file operations, depending on its needs or preferences.

Registration Date: Tue 22 Jan 2008 06:18:31 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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GNU Interactive Tools 4.9.3 released
     posted by ianb, Tue 01 Apr 2008 02:33:13 PM UTC

GNU Interactive Tools (gnuit) 4.9.3 has been released.

This release mainly contains bugfixes, with a few small new features.

gnuit (GNU Interactive Tools) is a set of interactive text-mode tools, closely integrated with the shell.  It contains an extensible file system browser, an ascii/hex file viewer, a process viewer/killer and some other [...]

GNU Interactive Tools 4.9.2 released
     posted by ianb, Sun 03 Feb 2008 09:33:53 PM UTC

GNU Interactive Tools (gnuit) 4.9.2 has been released.

After a long hiatus, gnuit is now being actively maintained again.

gnuit was formerly known as git, with this release the package has been renamed to gnuit and the file manager binary has been renamed to gitfm. [...]

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