patchphpGroupWare - Patches: Statistics


Statistics by 'Assigned to':

Field Description: Who is in charge of handling the item

Open Items

alexbsa 1/103 1%
angles 1/103 1%
Caeies 7/103 7%
ceb 3/103 3%
itheart 1/103 1%
jarg 4/103 4%
lpiepho 7/103 7%
maat 1/103 1%
None 73/103 71%
powerstat 3/103 3%
skeeter 2/103 2%


All Items

alexbsa 18/716 3%
angles 2/716 0%
Caeies 14/716 2%
ceb 40/716 6%
cw 4/716 1%
dschaller 1/716 0%
fipsfuchs 15/716 2%
gugux 72/716 10%
itheart 1/716 0%
jarg 12/716 2%
jecinc 1/716 0%
jengo 5/716 1%
johang 4/716 1%
lpiepho 8/716 1%
maat 2/716 0%
None 221/716 31%
powerstat 11/716 2%
sigurdne 4/716 1%
skeeter 143/716 20%
skwashd 132/716 18%
Zone 6/716 1%


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