newsSavannah Administration - News


** New Version of Bug Tracking System **

Item posted by Laurent Julliard <ljulliar> on Tue 10 Sep 2002 07:43:37 AM UTC.

The Savannah Team is pleased to announce the release of a new version of the Savannah Bug Tracking System. The new features all come from the CodeX system, an internal Savannah-like platform in use at the Xerox Corporation.

New features are as follows:

- 3 new fields were added to the set of standard fields offered by the
bug tracking system: Originator Name, Originator Email and Originator
(See Bugs -> Admin -> Field Usage)

- A list of new custom fields have been added to the Bug tracker:
project adminstrators now have a set of 10 text areas, 10 text fields,
10 date fields and 10 select boxes that they can fully customize
including the label, display size. It means that you can now add your
own fields to the system if you can't find a suitable one in the list of standard fields (See Bugs -> Admin -> Field Usage)

- The bug modification form has a new section called 'CC list' which
allows the bug technicians to add any email address or any CodeX user
in the list of person notified on bug updates. This is a very
convenient way to keep certain people aware of events in the life of a
bug even if they do not play a role in this bug.

- Each CodeX user can now customize the kind of events notification
s/he wants to receive whenever a bug is updated. The list of events
notification can also vary according to the role you play for a given
bug (assignee, submitter, CC list member, Commenter). This makes the
email notification mechanism very flexible.
(See Bugs -> Admin -> Notification Settings)

- A bug technician can also ask to receive the notifications sent to
some other users. This is a very useful feature e.g. when somebody is
acting as a backup of a team member or as a QA contact.
(See Bugs -> Admin -> Notification Settings)

We also want to acknowledge the fact that the new email notification mechanism and customization now in place has been largely inspired by the Bugzilla system.

We hope that all Svannah hosted projects will enjoy these new set of features.

Contact points:
- Loic Dachary, GNU, Savannah Project Leader (
- Laurent Julliard, Xerox, CodeX Manager  (

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