GNU Chinese Translators Team - News
2018 Summary from GNU
Item posted by Wensheng XIE <wxie> on Tue 01 Jan 2019 12:23:49 PM UTC.
Dear GNU translators!
The results of this year are twofold: on the one hand, there were
more new translations than in 2017 (most of them were made in our
two young teams, Brazilian Portuguese and ("Simplified") Chinese);
on the other hand, the translations generally weren't updated as
frequently as in 2017, with the notable exception of our Albanian,
("Simplified") Chinese and Brazilian Portuguese teams who did it
much better than in the previous year; also, our Spanish and French
teams do as well as always, and I think that the figures for them
may be within the precision of my scripts.
General Statistics
The number of translations per file in important directories grew
relatively fast thoughout the year. Currently it is maximum both
in terms of translation number (8.52) and in terms of size (7.82).
However, the activity of many older teams decreased, and the amount
of outdated translations was considerably higher (~35% vs
~30% in 2017).
The table below shows the number and size of newly translated articles
and the translations that were converted to the PO format in important
directories (as of 2018-12-31).
+-team--+-----new------+---converted---+--to convert--+-@-outdated-+
| ar * | 7 ( 89.8Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 37 (66%) |
| de | 1 ( 7.5Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 53 (24%) |
| es | 1 ( 51.9Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 6.6 (4.2%) |
| fr | 7 ( 47.3Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 5.1 (1.6%) |
| it | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 26 (20%) |
| ja | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 72 (50%) |
| nl | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 37 (29%) |
| pt-br | 63 (560.4Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 4.8 (6.3%) |
| ru | 9 ( 93.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0.9 (0.3%) |
| sq | 2 ( 32.9Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 2.4 (7.7%) |
| uk | 2 ( 14.4Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 13 (14%) |
| zh-cn | 41 (440.9Ki) | 23 (283.8Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 1.1 (2.4%) |
| zh-tw | 6 ( 50.4Ki) | 0 ( 0.0Ki) | 23 (297.0Ki) | 4.4 (31%) |
| total | 139 (1388Ki) | 23 ( 283.8Ki) | 106 (2634Ki) |
- Arabic translations were installed by GNU Translation Managers
without establishing a new team.
@ Typical number of outdated GNUNified translations.
For the reference: 6 new articles were added, amounting to 37.0Ki,
and there were about 500 modifications of English files in important
This year, our ("Simplified") Chinese team has finished converting
their old translations in important directories to PO format.
Orphaned Teams, New and Reformed Teams
This year README.translations.html saw no commits (for the first
time since its addition to CVS in 2001). People made a few attempts
to re-establish our Arabic team, there were also requests from Thai,
Amharic, Magyar, Turkish, Telugu and Vietnamese volunteers.
Changes in the Page Regeneration System
GNUN is ten years old now. It entered the period of maturity, and
I didn't think it would have a release this year, but the great work
Thérèse and other webmasters did on re-arranging /proprietary
triggered a change suggested by Yutaka back in 2016 [0], and
that resulted in a release. Then rms suggested that the next one
should be called 1.0.
As of 2008, we had about 1000 translations to GNUNify; now this
number is 100, and the total number of translations is 2700.
I think we could consider systematically dropping those remaining
HTML translations-after all, they haven't been regularly maintained
for 10 years-especially in cases where the original pages have
changed substantially.
Happy GNU year, and thank you for your contributions!
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