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Announcing keynote speakers for LibrePlanet -- and don't miss your chance to give a talk

Item posted by Wensheng XIE <wxie> on Sat 20 Oct 2018 12:44:33 AM UTC.

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Dear www-zh-cn-translators,

Today, we are proud to announce all four keynote speakers who will appear at the LibrePlanet 2019 conference, which takes place in the Boston area, March 23-24, 2019. They are: Debian Project contributor Bdale Garbee, free software activist Micky Metts, physician Tarek Loubani, and FSF founder and president Richard Stallman, all of whom are trailblazers of free software in their own right.


Bdale Garbee
Bdale Garbee has contributed to the free software community since 1979. He was an early participant in the Debian Project, helped port Debian GNU/Linux to five architectures, served as the Debian Project Leader, then chairman of the Debian Technical Committee for nearly a decade, and remains active in the Debian community. For a decade, Bdale served as president of Software in the Public Interest. He also served on the board of directors of the Linux Foundation, representing individual affiliates and the developer community. Bdale currently serves on the boards of the Freedombox Foundation, the Linux Professional Institute, and Aleph Objects. He is also a member of the Evaluations Committee at the Software Freedom Conservancy. In 2008, Bdale became the first individual recipient of a Lutece d'Or award from the Federation Nationale de l'Industrie du Logiciel Libre in France.

Micky Metts
Micky Metts is an owner of Agaric, a worker-owned technology cooperative. She is an activist hacker, industry organizer, public speaker, connector, advisor, and visionary. Micky is a member of the MayFirst People Link Leadership Committee, and is a liaison between the Solidarity Economy Network (SEN) and the United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives (USFWC), with an intention to bring communities together. Micky is also a founding member of a cohort that is building a new Boston public high school based in cooperative learning: BoCoLab. She is a member of the Free Software Foundation and of, a community based in free software. She is a published author contributing to the book Ours to Hack and to Own, one of the top technology books of 2017 in Wired magazine.

Tarek Loubani
Dr. Tarek Loubani is an emergency physician who works at the London Health Sciences Centre in Canada and at Al Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip. He is a fellow of the Shuttleworth Foundation, where he focuses on free software medical devices. His organization, the Glia Project, develops free/libre medical device designs for 3D printing, in an effort to help medical systems such as Gaza's gain self-sufficiency and local independence.

Richard Stallman
Continuing an annual tradition, FSF president Richard Stallman will present the Free Software Awards and discuss opportunities for, and threats to, the free software movement.

LibrePlanet is an annual event jam-packed with interesting talks and hands-on workshops -- and we know you have a lot to say! Have an idea for your own free software-related talk or workshop? Submit it for consideration by October 26, 2018 at 10:00 EDT (14:00 UTC).

Your talk can be aimed at an audience of experienced developers, young people, newcomers to free software, activists looking for technology that aligns with their ideals, policymakers, hackers, artists, or tinkerers. Talks and workshops should examine or utilize free software, copyleft, and related issues, but beyond that, we welcome any topics that may educate, entertain, or encourage action.

Some possibilities include updates on free software projects, especially if they fulfill a High Priority free software need; the intersection of free software and other social issues or movements; how to resist the harmful effects of proprietary software by using free software; introductions to aspects of free software for newcomers generally or children specifically; hands-on workshops using free software for particular applications; copyleft and other free software legal issues; free software's intersections with government; and how to use free software in artmaking. Find more inspiration in videos of LibrePlanet 2018 talks, as well as the full program listing.

Gratis admission for FSF members

Current Associate Members and students with valid ID may attend LibrePlanet gratis. FSF Associate Membership starts at just $10/month and comes with many benefits. If you're not already a member, there's no better time to join than the present!

Travel funding available

Do you need help with the cost of travel to LibrePlanet? The FSF is able to offer a limited amount of funding to bring conference participants to Boston from all around the world. You can apply for a scholarship through Friday, November 16 at 10:00 EST (15:00 UTC). Scholarship recipients will be notified by the end of November. If you don't need a scholarship, you can help those with financial need attend LibrePlanet 2019 by making a contribution to the conference's scholarship fund.

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