newsGNU Source Installer - News


GNU Source Installer 2.0 released

Item posted by Claudio Fontana <sick_soul> on Wed 08 Feb 2006 11:20:39 PM UTC.

I am happy to announce the availability of GNU Source Installer 2.0 (libsrcinst-2.0, sourceinstall-2.0, sourceinstall-gtk-2.0).

Downloads are available on

Install in this order.

This is mainly a bug fix release.
A lot of problems have been found and fixed in the last test release. User-visible changes from 2.0-rc2 are close to none, but note that the default installation prefix for users has been changed to ~/usr (in order to try to reduce confusion). Default prefix for user root remains /usr/local.

GNU Source Installer is a complete source package management tool, useful for both developers and regular users.

It builds on top of GNU installation policies to provide package validation, installation, tracking, checking, upgrade and uninstallation in a Unix-portable way.

The project needs help, in at least 4 areas.
Please consider visiting the following page if you are interested:


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