newsGNU Source Installer - News


First test release of the new Source Installer 2 architecture

Item posted by Claudio Fontana <sick_soul> on Tue 24 Jan 2006 01:09:19 AM UTC.

This is to announce the availability, on

of a first test release of the new Source Installer 2 .

If you have some spirit of adventure, you might want to try it.
It could even compile, and on my system it happens to run.
Yes, this is meant to scare you, since this is VERY alpha code.

libsrcinst-2.0-rc1 is the source installer 2 library, and
must be installed first.

sourceinstall-2.0-rc1 is a command line front end, which requires libsrcinst.

sourceinstall-gtk-2.0-rc1 is a GTK 2 front-end, which requires libsrcinst, and currently requires GTK 2.6, which is fairly new. This last requirement might be relaxed to older versions if I receive requests in this sense.

Good luck, and report your findings if you do try it.


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