(GIFT) GNU Image Finding Tool - News
Nightly doxygen report generation is up
Item posted by Michiel Roos <tuurlijk> on Thu 22 Dec 2005 05:09:05 PM UTC.
Every night (GMT) a fresh doxygen report is generated from the latest cvs source. It can be found at http://gift.doxygen.teknowlogic.org/
Doxygen gives you a nice idea of the way the code is structured (Class inheritance: http://gift.doxygen.teknowlogic.org/classCAccessor.html). It is also possible to generate a complete reference manual, this requires the source to be properly documented though (something we still have to work on).
Doxygen will give a wider audience insight into the structure of the GIFT.
More information can be found at http://www.doxygen.org
Use the source!
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