newsGNU Source Installer - News


GNU Source Installer version 0.3 released

Item posted by Claudio Fontana <sick_soul> on Tue 21 Jun 2005 09:49:46 PM UTC.

This release of GNU Source Installer includes fixes for some serious bugs, and juicy new features.

Configure scripts generated with autoconf <= 2.13 now see their configure options properly recognized.

Keyboard navigation has been made easier. Shortcuts for the main actions have been implemented (look at the underlined chars). Also experiment with TAB, arrows, PGUP, PGDOWN, and SPACE or ENTER to select things.

sourceinstall own configure script is now able to detect a wider range of problems, and now reports package versions.

Interpreter detection can be left to ./configure (first attempt is tclsh, second choice is expectk), or it can be overridden using the --with-tclsh[=NAME] or --with-expectk[=NAME] options.

Fetch your shiny new sourceinstall-0.3 here:

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