newsGNU Chinese Translators Team - News


Summary 2023

Item posted by Wensheng XIE <wxie> on Mon 01 Jan 2024 04:18:53 AM UTC.

Dear CTT translators:

Thank you very much for your contribution in the past year.
We have done a good job as always.

1. keep on localizing to Simplified Chinese
2. help review the new translation of GNU licence: GFDL
3. welcomed several new members, including Jing
4. welcomed several contributors: Ventus Uta, Peaksol, and Chen Jingge

The following is the summary from GNU. Please take you time to read.

Dear GNU translators!

2023 was a very quiet year; the total number of new translations
was four times as low as in 2022, and in terms of size the amount
was twice as low.  Most translations were made in the "Simplified"
Chinese and in the Turkish team.  A few unmaintained translations
were decommissioned this year, so the total number of translations
didn't grow, for the first time since the start of CVS logs in 2001.

      General Statistics

In most working teams, the amount of outdated translations was
unprecedently close to zero.  We could only wish more teams were
active; as a result, the average percentage of outdated translations
remained as high as in 2022, and grew slowly.

The table below shows the number and size of newly translated
articles in important directories and typical number of outdated
GNUNified translations throughout the year.

|  es    |  0 (  0.0Ki) | 0.4 ( 0.2%) |
|  fa    |  2 ( 29.1Ki) |  25 (  81%) |
|  fr    |  2 ( 46.8Ki) | 0.1 (0.04%) |
|  ja    |  0 (  0.0Ki) |  35 (  25%) |
|  pl    |  0 (  0.0Ki) |  67 (  45%) |
|  ru    |  4 ( 68.6Ki) | 0.3 ( 0.1%) |
|  sq    |  0 (  0.0Ki) | 1.5 (   2%) |
|  tr    |  5 (195.1Ki) | 0.3 ( 0.2%) |
|  zh-cn | 12 (214.7Ki) | 0.8 ( 0.3%) |
| total  | 25 (554.3Ki) |

For the reference: 2 new articles were added, amounting to 47Ki
(which is considerably less than in 2022); the number of commits
(about 400 changes in approximately 100 English files) was just
a little lower than in 2022.

      Orphaned Teams, New and Reformed Teams

No teams were orphaned, and no new teams were established.

Volunteers requested taking over the teams for Esperanto, Punjabi,
Marathi, Indonesian, Brazilian Portuguese, Arabic---in all cases
with little further outcome.

      Changes in the Page Regeneration System

GNUN 1.4 was released this year, fixing a few minor bugs, updating
the HTML validation script for new xmllint, supporting localized
URLs in templates, and a configure option to reduce the number
of generated locales used for the sorting feature.

Happy GNU year, and thank you for your contributions!

Happy Hacking

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