newsGNU Behistun - News: The Official Gnu Package Behistun - Renamed behistun (previously gbehistun)


The Official Gnu Package Behistun - Renamed behistun (previously gbehistun)

Item posted by Christopher Dimech <darayavaus> on Wed 09 Dec 2020 03:02:22 AM UTC.

Greetings and Felicitations.

Gnu Behintun (gbehistun) was originally planned as a tool for geophysical analysis.  Major decisions about Gnu Behistun have been made since that time.  The first change was the development of the Gunga Din Software, that has today been incorporated into
the Official Behistun Package. 

The Gunga Din Software provides a set of powerful tools for  configuring a Gnu System.  The whole package has been renamed "behistun", with "gbehistun" beinf its previous name.

Christopher Dimech
General Administrator


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