bugGNU Common Lisp - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to:  Category:  Item Group: 

Additional constraint :


Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDdown.

13 matching items

Item ID down Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#12836 Implement Recursive Compilation 2005-04-27
#14514 GCL-Tk doesn't work 2005-09-13
#15375 GCL doesn't work with SLIME 2006-01-05
#15761 LTK does not build 2006-02-15
#23977 ansi tests should close open files 2008-08-01
#53859 FreeBSD PowerPC64 Build Fails 2018-05-07
#55762 -batch not working on Mac OS X 2019-02-22
#63843 Parallel build failure 2023-02-28
#63845 Typo on web page 2023-02-28
#63875 Build failure on Apple Silicon Macs 2023-03-06
#64627 Can't build GCL on Fedora 2023-09-07
#65440 gcl, mformat and *error-output* 2024-03-09
#65905 Can't build on Arch Linux 2024-06-21

13 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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