bugGNU Common Lisp - Bugs: bug #23977, ansi tests should close open files


bug #23977: ansi tests should close open files

Submitter:  Sam Steingold <sds>
Submitted:  Fri 01 Aug 2008 06:35:06 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 01 Aug 2008 06:37:15 PM UTC, comment #1: 

more information:

some ansi tests fail in clisp because a file which is already open for
input and not closed is re-opened for output:

Test READ-BYTE.ERROR.3 failed
  (CLOSE S))
  (LET ((S (OPEN "foo.txt" :DIRECTION :INPUT)))
Expected value: T
Actual value: OPEN: #<INPUT BUFFERED FILE-STREAM (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8) #P"foo.txt"> already points to file "/homedata/sds/src/clisp/current/build-O/ansi-tests/foo.txt", opening the file again for :OUTPUT may produce unexpected results.
Test READ-BYTE.ERROR.4 failed

it would be nice if you made sure that you close all streams that you
open to avoid these kinds of errors.
this is simply a good programming practice.
also, strictly speaking,
http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/Body/f_open.htm says:

    "If it is utterly impossible for an implementation to handle some
     option in a manner similar to what is specified here, it may simply
     signal an error"

- and indeed win32 does not allow two processes (let alone the same
process!) to open a file at the same time.

Sam Steingold <sds>
Fri 01 Aug 2008 06:35:06 PM UTC, original submission:  

there are quite a few tests that open files but never explicitly close them (e.g., READ-SEQUENCE.BV.*). 
it would be nice if you used with-open-file instead - both out of "hygienic" consideration and because CLISP detects open file overwrites (see http://www.podval.org/~sds/clisp/impnotes/stream-dict.html#open).

Another issue is that some OSes may limit the total number of open file handles a process may have, so you are thus testing OS and not Lisp.

Sam Steingold <sds>


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