bugGNU TeXmacs - Bugs: bug #7653, maxima plugin hangs or crashes on...


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bug #7653: maxima plugin hangs or crashes on question from maxima

Submitter:  Ralf Treinen <treinen>
Submitted:  Mon 09 Feb 2004 07:56:31 PM UTC
Category:  Plugins Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Error Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Karl Hegbloom Open/Closed:  Closed
Release:  None Release:  1.0.3
Fixed Release:  None Fixed Release: 
Keywords:  maxima plugin

Mon 26 Mar 2012 09:17:29 PM UTC, comment #3: 

In the present version (, maxima's interactive questions are correctly handled. Therefore I close this bug.

Philippe Joyez <pjoyez>
Group Member
Sat 01 Jan 2005 02:17:33 PM UTC, comment #2: 

The following information has been sent by
Emmanuel Charpentier <charpent@bacbuc.dyndns.org> :

I think I have another instance of the same bug.
Let's try to check that the sum of two normally distributed variables is
also normal (basic probs) :

In xmaxima (see enclosed file, the output us too wide not to be mangled
by mailer's reformatting), I get (almost) what I want (need to further
factorize the exponent, but the result is there. Marvelous, if you're
old enough to remember sweating blood and tears to derive this by hand
...). You note that assuming that standard errors are positive allows
maxima to answer directly. Forgetting the assumption forces maxima to
prompt for the signs of the standard errors.

In a maxima session in TeXmacs, I get the same result, up to the point I
cancel the "positive s. e." assumption. When I re-ask for
bar[x,mu[1],sigma[1],mu[2],sigma[2]), TeXmacs segfaults.

Furthermore, when relaunching TeXmacs, I can either accept the
restoration of the autosave file, or find myself with a stubbornly
locked TeXmacs, that accepts only an exit command.

Hope this helps pinpointing the problem,

                                        Emmanuel Charpentier

charpent@yod:~$ dpkg -l texmacs* | grep ii
ii  texmacs      WYSIWYG emacs-ish mathematical text editor,
ii  texmacs-common      WYSIWYG emacs-ish mathematical text editor,
charpent@yod:~$ dpkg -l maxima* | grep ii
ii  maxima         5.9.1-7        A fairly complete computer algebra system--
ii  maxima-doc     5.9.1-7        A fairly complete computer algebra system--
ii  maxima-share   5.9.1-7        A fairly complete computer algebra system--
ii  maxima-src     5.9.1-7        A fairly complete computer algebra system--
ii  maxima-test    5.9.1-7        A fairly complete computer algebra system--

Ralf Treinen <treinen>
Group Member
Wed 27 Oct 2004 06:14:23 AM UTC, comment #1: 

While 1.0.4-R3 still hangs on the qustion posed by maxima,
texmacs now crashes with segmentation violation.

Ralf Treinen <treinen>
Group Member
Mon 09 Feb 2004 07:56:31 PM UTC, original submission:  

Karl Hegbloom <karlheg@cs.pdx.edu> submitted the followin bug:

The input:  integrate((4+u^2)/(u^3),u,1,2)

.... will, with Maxima running in a terminal, prompt with:

Is  PLOG(- u) + 2  an odd number?

.... but the Maxima interface in TeXmacs does not notice, and appears to hang at that point.

Ralf Treinen <treinen>
Group Member


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Attached Files
file #2313:  xmaxima-output.txt added by treinen (2KiB - text/plain)


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Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by pjoyez (Posted a comment)

    There are 0 votes so far. Votes easily highlight which items people would like to see resolved in priority, independently of the priority of the item set by tracker managers.


    Follow 9 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2012-03-26 pjoyez StatusNone Fixed
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2006-06-15 #48748 Carbon-Copy- Added rvb
    2005-01-01 treinen Attached File- Added xmaxima-output.txt, #2014
    2004-10-27 treinen Item GroupWishlist Error
        Originator Name Karl Hegbloom
        Originator Email -email is unavailable-
        Summarymaxima plugin hangs on question from maxima maxima plugin hangs or crashes on question from maxima
    2004-04-20 ddaa CategoryUser Interface Plugins

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