bugGNU Screen - Bugs: bug #26723, Unicode characters beyond the BMP...


bug #26723: Unicode characters beyond the BMP are not displayed

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 02 Jun 2009 01:23:26 PM UTC
Votes: 11
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  * 5 - Normal Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Closed Release:  4.0.3
Fixed Release:  4.2.0 Planned Release:  None
Work Required:  None
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Sun 09 Jul 2017 10:22:06 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Fixed, as in previous comment.

Amadeusz Sławiński <amade>
Group administrator
Mon 08 Aug 2016 05:21:51 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Yes, this has been fixed with the release 4.2.0 in this commit:

commit d94037c08a6dd30845b27cd76d99663e06aaabb2
Author: Michael Schroeder <mls@suse.de>
Date:   Tue Apr 9 13:09:44 2013 +0200

    Support non-BMP utf8 characters

Axel Beckert <abe>
Mon 08 Aug 2016 05:17:51 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Oh, and I can reproduce this issue with Screen as of git commit db59704 ("4.1.0~20120320gitdb59704") as shipped with Debian 7 Wheeazy. So, I consider it fixed with either 4.2.0 or .4.2.1.

Axel Beckert <abe>
Mon 08 Aug 2016 05:14:34 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I can no more reproduce this issue with GNU Screen 4.2.1 as shipped with Debian 8 Stable. Used test case:

printf '\xf0\x9d\x8d\x96\n'

as suggested in https://bugs.debian.org/447336

It though depends a lot on the used terminal emulator. At least running Screen in gnome-terminal showed me the character U+1D356 (TETRAGRAM FOR FOSTERING). Running it in uxterm or urxvt didn't, probably due to bitmap-based fonts being used there.

Axel Beckert <abe>
Tue 02 Jun 2009 01:23:26 PM UTC, original submission:  

Unicode characters beyond the basic multilingual plane are not displayed in Screen. I can use these characters (such as U-0002A700) in VIM and such without problems outside of Screen. I am using UTF-8 as character encoding every where.

This thread on the mailinglist is probably related:




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