bugPSPP - Bugs: bug #15766, /KEEP subcommand on SAVE doesn't...


bug #15766: /KEEP subcommand on SAVE doesn't fully support ALL

Submitter:  Ben Pfaff <blp>
Submitted:  Thu 16 Feb 2006 04:26:46 AM UTC
Category:  Syntax Parser Severity:  5 - Average
Status:  Fixed Assigned to:  blp
Open/Closed:  Closed Release:  None
Effort:  0.00
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Wed 05 Jul 2006 02:54:21 AM UTC, comment #3: 

John--thanks for review and noticing the incorrect comment.

Adam--adding you on CC in case you want to verify that your original test case now works.

A fix has been checked in to the CVS repository

Ben Pfaff <blp>
Group administrator
Wed 05 Jul 2006 01:40:09 AM UTC, comment #2: 

I haven't tested it, but it looks ok, and seems to simplify things in sys-file-reader.c

There's an inappropriate comment at the top test, which appears to have been pasted from another test.

John Darrington <jmd>
Group administrator
Tue 04 Jul 2006 05:04:33 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Attached patch fixes this bug and underlying problems in the sys-file-reader (which are really more important than the reported bug), and adds a test to make sure that the problems don't recur.


Ben Pfaff <blp>
Group administrator
Thu 16 Feb 2006 04:26:46 AM UTC, original submission:  

On SAVE (and related commands), /KEEP=X Y Z ALL should reorder the dictionary, moving X, Y, and Z to the beginning in that order and retaining the relative positions of the other variables.  Currently this provokes a syntax error.

I don't know whether this should be fixed by changing parse_var_set_vars() to always allow ALL at the end of a variable list, or by adding a special case to keep_variables() in get.c.

Originally reported to bug-gnu-pspp by Adam Pierson <adam@populus.com>.

Ben Pfaff <blp>
Group administrator


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #10303:  bug.patch added by blp (17KiB - application/octet-stream - bug fix)


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Follow 6 latest changes.

Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2006-07-05 blp StatusReady for Test/Review Fixed
    Assigned toNone blp
    Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    Carbon-Copy- Added adampierson<adam@populus.com>
2006-07-04 blp StatusNone Ready for Test/Review
    Attached File- Added bug.patch, #10303

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