bugPSPP - Bugs: bug #11693, Command line completion.


bug #11693: Command line completion.

Submitter:  John Darrington <jmd>
Submitted:  Sat 22 Jan 2005 08:38:49 AM UTC
Category:  Other Severity:  1 - Wishlist
Status:  None Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  Future
Effort:  0.00
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Mon 31 Jul 2006 02:00:53 AM UTC, comment #3: 

I'm actually toying with an idea that would allow this to be implemented pretty easily.  That's a nice idea for the future.

Ben Pfaff <blp>
Group administrator
Sun 06 Feb 2005 11:38:22 PM UTC, comment #2: 

This has now been partially implemented --- the name of the command can be completed by hitting TAB.

Full support for this will require redesign of the lexer, including unbuffered input, and some kind of rollback mechanism.

John Darrington <jmd>
Group administrator
Sat 22 Jan 2005 09:49:38 AM UTC, comment #1: 
John Darrington <jmd>
Group administrator
Sat 22 Jan 2005 08:38:49 AM UTC, original submission:  

Use the command line completion features of GNU readline, such that when PSPP is used in interactive mode, the user can easily find the list of available commands, and the available subcommands for the current command. etc.

John Darrington <jmd>
Group administrator


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