bugGNU Core Utilities - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to:  Category:  Item Group: 

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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

22 matching items

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#29349 ls.c missing HAVE_NL_LANGINFO check 2010-03-26
#29138 expand doesn't support multibyte characters (e.g. UTF-8) (patch available) Confirmed pixelbeat 2010-03-09
#28891 Fix all code that sets the umask to zero 2010-02-13
#28492 pr header lacks spaces around long file names Fixed ericb 2010-01-06
#28141 REQ: df and du, use -g to specify a 1gig block size 2009-12-01
#27363 fature request: --relative option 2009-09-01
#26952 have sort accept a range argument 2009-07-03
#26580 Feature request - cp - when using update also check size 2009-05-14
#26512 ls: it's no longer possible to change the default (NORMAL) text color Fixed pixelbeat 2009-05-09
#25538 excluded files are still stat()ed 2009-02-10
#25227 ptx.tmac providing .xx troff macro for ptx 2009-01-02
#23767 ISO-8601 and "date" 2008-07-04
#23030 tr doesn't support multibyte strings 2008-04-23
#23023 cp -r use a lot of memory, feature or memory leak? Confirmed 2008-04-22
#22505 id command fails to retrieve group info when nss_ldap is used Confirmed 2008-03-06
#22231 'split' feature request: an option to uses e.g. '.001' as first suffix 2008-02-05
#22102 gcp fails to set default ACL on FreeBSD 2008-01-24
#22065 add uniq options: --check-fields and --separator 2008-01-20
#20784 mv should be able to change filename case on case-insensitive file systems 2007-08-14
#17908 'configure' fails because it is unable to determine how to read the mount table. 2006-10-04
#11004 Results of "sort" fail "sort -c" check if LANG is set and memory is low Wont Fix 2004-11-15
#4771 Feature request: --dry-run Wont Fix 2003-08-16

22 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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