bugGNU Core Utilities - Bugs: bug #28891, Fix all code that sets the umask...


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bug #28891: Fix all code that sets the umask to zero

Submitter:  Matt McCutchen <hashproduct>
Submitted:  Sat 13 Feb 2010 09:51:29 PM UTC
Votes: 20
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open

Sat 13 Feb 2010 09:51:29 PM UTC, original submission:  

Several pieces of code in coreutils set the umask to zero in order to create files with specific permissions:

$ git grep -n 'umask (0)'
src/chmod.c:532:      umask_value = umask (0);
src/copy.c:2358:      mask = umask (0);
src/install.c:458:  umask (0);
src/mkdir.c:195:      mode_t umask_value = umask (0);
src/mkfifo.c:124:      newmode = mode_adjust (newmode, false, umask (0), change, NULL);
src/mknod.c:130:      newmode = mode_adjust (newmode, false, umask (0), change, NULL);

Code that takes this approach generally doesn't handle default ACLs properly.  Here's an example with mkdir(1):

$ mkdir plain defacl
$ setfacl -k plain
$ setfacl -dm u::7,g::0,o::0 defacl
$ mkdir -m 755 plain/subdir defacl/subdir
$ ls -ld */subdir
drwx------+ 2 matt matt 48 2010-02-13 16:49 defacl/subdir
drwxr-xr-x  2 matt matt 48 2010-02-13 16:49 plain/subdir

The code should be fixed to call chmod(2) on the created files, and then the umask is no longer relevant.

Matt McCutchen <hashproduct>


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    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2014-09-09 chewi Carbon-Copy- Added chewi
    2012-08-08 mjo Carbon-Copy- Added mjo
    2010-02-13 hashproduct Carbon-Copy- Added hashproduct

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