bugGNU Parallel - Bugs: bug #65395, Command line too long (390 >=...


bug #65395: Command line too long (390 >= -1459) at input 0: cd /usr/projects/eos/dev/davidp/eospac6_head/Sourc...

Submitter:  David A. Pimentel <davidpimentel>
Submitted:  Sat 02 Mar 2024 01:34:00 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sat 02 Mar 2024 01:56:19 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I discovered the following configuration file on this HPC system:


That file contained the value 81, which is consistent with the output of $sshlogin->maxlength() that I mentioned in the original report. Once I removed the machine-specific subdirectory listed above, parallel is now operating as expected:

%> parallel --show-limits
Maximal size of command: 261306
Maximal usable size of command: 129153

Perhaps an improved error/warning message is in order for this particular error condition.

David A. Pimentel <davidpimentel>
Sat 02 Mar 2024 01:34:00 AM UTC, original submission:  

VERSION: GNU parallel 20240122

I realize that this may seem like a duplicate report; however, I am seeing this problem on a particular HPC system where outgoing SSH connections are disabled. As a result of walking through a debugger, I have traced this problem to the result of $sshlogin->maxlength() on line 4907:

        $Global::minimal_command_line_length =
            ::min($Global::minimal_command_line_length, $sshlogin->maxlength());

The output of that function is 81; therefore, the final value of $Global::usable_command_line_length = -1459 evaluated on lines 4910-4912.

The show-limits output is correspondingly as follows:

%> parallel --show-limits
Maximal size of command: 261306
Maximal usable size of command: -1459

It is currently unclear to me how to best resolve this problem.

David A. Pimentel <davidpimentel>


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