bugGNU Scientific Library - Bugs: bug #61342, test_c11 test fails on ppc64 and...


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bug #61342: test_c11 test fails on ppc64 and sparc

Submitter:  Sam James <thesamesam>
Submitted:  Sat 16 Oct 2021 05:02:04 AM UTC
Category:  Runtime error Severity:  3 - Normal
Operating System:  Gentoo GNU/Linux Status:  None
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  2.7

Sat 16 Oct 2021 05:08:20 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Possibly relevant: Fedora at least are forcing some compiler options which sometimes result in precision issues (https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/gsl/blob/rawhide/f/gsl.spec#_43).

Let me know if I can provide more useful information. It seems like there's been an improvement for sparc because IIRC 2.6 SIGBUS'd when running tests but I never got a chance to report it.

Sam James <thesamesam>
Sat 16 Oct 2021 05:02:04 AM UTC, original submission:  

Initially reported downstream in Gentoo at https://bugs.gentoo.org/805578.

The failures have been observed on both ppc64 and sparc, looking like:

FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0,0) (0 observed vs 0.707106781186547573 expected) [10154]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0,0) (1 observed vs -0.707106781186547573 expected) [10155]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0,0) (0 observed vs -1 expected) [10156]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0,0) (1 observed vs 0 expected) [10157]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 1 expected) [10158]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs 0 expected) [10159]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 0.5 expected) [10160]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs 0.100000000000000006 expected) [10161]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 0.710599025948980056 expected) [10162]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs 0.0703631699089746904 expected) [10163]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 0.239999999999999991 expected) [10164]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs 0.100000000000000006 expected) [10165]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 1 expected) [10166]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs 0 expected) [10167]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 0.5 expected) [10168]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs -0.100000000000000006 expected) [10169]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 0.710599025948980056 expected) [10170]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs -0.0703631699089746904 expected) [10171]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real real part at (0.5,0) (0 observed vs 0.239999999999999991 expected) [10172]
FAIL: gsl_complex_pow_real imag part at (0.5,0) (1 observed vs -0.100000000000000006 expected) [10173]
FAIL test_c11 (exit status: 1)

Full logs attached.

Sam James <thesamesam>


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Attached Files
file #52105:  complex-test-suite.log added by thesamesam (1MiB - application/octet-stream)
file #52104:  build.log added by thesamesam (395KiB - application/octet-stream)


Depends on the following items: None found

Items that depend on this one: None found


Carbon-Copy List
  • -email is unavailable- added by thesamesam (Submitted the item)

    Follow 2 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2021-10-16 thesamesam Attached File- Added complex-test-suite.log, #52105
    2021-10-16 thesamesam Attached File- Added build.log, #52104

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