bugGNU Wget - Bugs: bug #57002, Suggestion:...


bug #57002: Suggestion: “--abort-on-http-error” feature (natively).

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Sat 05 Oct 2019 08:19:49 PM UTC
Category:  Feature Request Severity:  3 - Normal
Priority:  5 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Sha7 Originator Email:  -email is unavailable-
Open/Closed:  Open Release:  1.20
Operating System:  GNU/Linux Reproducibility:  Every Time
Fixed Release:  None Planned Release:  None
Regression:  None Work Required:  None
Patch Included:  None
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Sat 05 Oct 2019 08:19:49 PM UTC, original submission:  

When archiving a long list of URLs, wget does usually continue.

I suggest a feature like --retry-on-http-error=, but with aborting.

I know, it is lesser favourable than --retry-on-http-error, but it could be useful for testing purposes.

There are already bulky workarounds ( https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/145853/ ), but a native feature would be much more convenient.

I hope my suggestion is considered useful.

Side note:
The reason why the posts from yesterday: #2 and #3 in https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?56992 are blank quotes is because the comment I wrote was just omitted.
Sorry for that.



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