bugGNUzilla - Bugs: bug #49607, IceCat 45 IMPORTANT consideration:...


bug #49607: IceCat 45 IMPORTANT consideration: Keep cookie prompt "ask me every time"

Submitter:  David Hedlund <beloved>
Submitted:  Tue 15 Nov 2016 06:19:55 AM UTC
Votes: 3
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Open
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Tue 15 Nov 2016 08:58:13 AM UTC, comment #3: 

Some banks require 3rd party cookies to functional at all.

David Hedlund <beloved>
Group Member
Tue 15 Nov 2016 08:56:12 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Narcis Garcia said: "Mozilla removal of "cookies askings" is inspired on legal obligation for
websites about asking every visitor.
Mozilla shifts its responsibility to websites, and allows websites to
fulfill their way in a more or less suitable interaction with the user.

Near all websites that advertise the cookies question are sending
cookies BEFORE visitor accepts or rejects the question.
Plus: much websites aren't asking visitor; they are informing about
cookies acceptance with your visit.
Plus+: Trackers embedded in websites aren't making any asking.

GNUzilla should assume abandoned responsibility by Mozilla with the users." - https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnuzilla/2016-09/msg00012.html

David Hedlund <beloved>
Group Member
Tue 15 Nov 2016 08:10:22 AM UTC, comment #1: 

No extension; it has to be built-in and included from Firefox 43 into 45esr, and then developed.

The prompt is important, because it allows creating a custom whitelist/blacklist on the run and without having to wade into preferences all the time.

Mart Rootamm <martg>
Tue 15 Nov 2016 06:19:55 AM UTC, original submission:  

I originally posted "IceCat 45 IMPORTANT consideration: Keep cookie prompt "ask me every time"" to <bug-gnuzilla@gnu.org>. - https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnuzilla/2016-09/msg00004.html

From https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1118394

hi, the ask anytime option for cookies was removed in firefox 44, which was supposed to happen for a long time (bug 606655).

i would recommend the following setup instead: in the custom history options choose "keep until i close firefox" as a default option & set exceptions for the few sites where you want stay logged-in across sessions. this way you'll have less work to do over all and a privacy-minded setup after all.

or as an alternative you could also take a look at an extension like https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/self-destructing-cookies/

Lots of people complain about this. Consider to keep the code for cookies "ask me every time" from Firefox 43 for IceCat 45.

David Hedlund <beloved>
Group Member


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