bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #46033, Gnash ignores color filters?


bug #46033: Gnash ignores color filters?

Submitter:  Matchu <matchu>
Submitted:  Wed 23 Sep 2015 05:05:59 AM UTC
Category:  renderer Severity:  1 - Wish
Release:  0.8.10 Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 23 Sep 2015 05:08:32 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Aha, yeah, I've always suspected that there was some ActionScript in these SWFs, but was never able to figure out what it did xP

Cool, thanks for the verbosity trick and the status update! I actually briefly scanned the Gnash site for a donation button since I felt kinda funny that we'd never contributed anything xP We're still in the middle of our fundraising campaign to cover hosting costs, but, realistically, there are likely to be some folks in the community who'd be interested in kicking in some extra cash to make this Gnash feature happen :o I might ask around.

Matchu <matchu>
Wed 23 Sep 2015 06:28:16 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Sorry, it's a brand new feature (not sure how complicated).
Verbose output tells you:

 UNIMPLEMENTED: Bitmap filters
 UNIMPLEMENTED: Blend mode in PlaceObject tag

By the way, it also tells you:

 UNIMPLEMENTED: This SWF file requires AVM2: there will be no ActionScript interpretation

but that's not necessarely something really used by the SWF you sent.

How to help ? Maybe you can fund development of the new feature. I think Benjamin Wolsey (@bwy) was the one working in that area last.

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Wed 23 Sep 2015 05:05:59 AM UTC, original submission:  

Hey friends,

Gnash has been a key piece of my side project, impress.openneo.net, for years: we take the Neopet customization SWFs (remember Neopets?) and, among other things, convert them to PNGs to make pet images easier to share across the web. Gnash has served us nearly flawlessly for years - thanks, all <3

However, the Neopets staff have recently started using some color filtering technique for <em>tons</em> of new items, so, because Gnash renders them all incorrectly, all thumbnail images involving these new items come out incorrect, too :(

Here's a sample: http://images.neopets.com/cp/items/swf/000/000/425/425736_d909d257f8.swf

This black wig is a recolor of a previously-released brown wig. When the Adobe player renders the SWF, it appears black, as the author intended. When Gnash renders the SWF, it appears brown, like the item did before being recolored. I don't understand Flash well enough to know what feature is being used here, but it feels like some kind of hue/sat filter is applied to the sprite? Shrug. I have tons more example URLs if you're interested :)

Historically I've just manually screenshotted SWFs that Gnash rendered incorrectly, but now there are thousands, and it'd be incredibly helpful to me and my users if we could make this happen automatically. I hope this turns out to be a bugfix rather than a brand new complicated feature xD

(Incidentally, the SWF http://images.neopets.com/cp/items/swf/000/000/144/144670_33ab611db8.swf shows a bug that may be related: Adobe renders it as a pretty cloud castle, whereas Gnash renders it as a big blue-to-magenta gradient, which is presumably meant to be a filter applied to the layers behind it. That might be a separate bug, though; dunno.)

Thanks again for all your help, and here's hoping this is an easy fix :) If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know :D Happy September!

Matchu <matchu>


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