bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #37146, Gnash displays the parent...


bug #37146: Gnash displays the parent MovieClip before child MovieClip gets loaded

Submitter:  Nutchanon Wetchasit <nachanon>
Submitted:  Sun 19 Aug 2012 04:13:01 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Release:  0.8.10 Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sun 19 Aug 2012 04:13:01 AM UTC, original submission:  

Hello, I have used Gnash 0.8.10 to a Flash 7 file that tries
to invoke gotoAndStop() on a child MovieClip using this code:

var submovie:MovieClip;
var enteredFrame:Boolean=false;

public function onLoad():Void {
        trace("main: load");
        trace("main: attaching sub");
        trace("main: finished loading");

public function onEnterFrame():Void {
        if(enteredFrame) return;

        trace("main: first appearance on frame");
        trace("main: completed appearance");

Which SubMovie has 2 frames: frame 1 contains a blue circle, and frame 2 contains an orange circle.
And when SubMovie loads, it will issue gotoAndStop(1) on itself.

On Macromedia Flash player, SubMovie was loaded and displayed right before MainMovie's onEnterFrame().
So SubMovie sets itself to frame1, then MainMovie sets it to frame2.
Thus, an orange circle displayed as final result.

But on Gnash, SubMovie was loaded and displayed after MainMovie's onEnterFrame().
So MainMovie sets SubMovie to frame2, then SubMovie sets itself to frame1.
Thus, a blue circle displayed as final result, which was incorrect.

This is a correct image result from Macromedia Flash Player 7
If you saw it in action, you would notice a blink of blue circle at the beginning, and it stopped with orange circle.

Flash Player 7 debug output:

main: load
main: attaching sub
main: finished loading
sub: load
sub: finished loading
sub: first appearance on frame
sub: completed appearance
main: first appearance on frame
main: completed appearance

This is an image result from Gnash 0.8.10
If you saw it in action, you would notice a blink of orange circle at the beginning, and it stopped with blue circle.

Gnash debug output:

2802:1] 414 TRACE: main: load
2802:1] 414 TRACE: main: attaching sub
2802:1] 414 TRACE: main: finished loading
2802:1] 414 TRACE: main: first appearance on frame
2802:1] 414 TRACE: main: completed appearance
2802:1] 505 TRACE: sub: load
2802:1] 506 TRACE: sub: finished loading
2802:1] 506 TRACE: sub: first appearance on frame
2802:1] 506 TRACE: sub: completed appearance

This is my test flash file, accompanied with source code,
created from Macromedia Flash MX 2004 (Flash 7).
Also attached here.

Note: The pentagon displayed on the screen was the MainMovie [MainMovieClip.as], the circle was the SubMovie [SubMovieClip.as].

System: Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 "Lenny" i386
Gnash: gnash_0.8.10-1~lenny from getgnash.org APT repository

Nutchanon Wetchasit <nachanon>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #26389:  loadorder.zip added by nachanon (2KiB - application/zip - Test flash file (flash 7), with source code)


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    2012-08-19 nachanon Attached File- Added loadorder.zip, #26389

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