bugGNU Wget - Bugs: bug #27398, Get Visual Studio builds going...


bug #27398: Get Visual Studio builds going again

Submitter:  Micah Cowan <micahcowan>
Submitted:  Tue 08 Sep 2009 07:12:25 AM UTC
Category:  Build/Install Severity:  2 - Minor
Priority:  2 Status:  Confirmed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Name:  Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None Operating System:  None
Reproducibility:  None Fixed Release:  None
Planned Release:  1.12.x Regression:  None
Work Required:  2 - Weeks Patch Included:  No
* Mandatory Fields

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Tue 22 Sep 2009 08:17:28 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Now that we're using gnulib and automake, building Wget without the use of the configure script is quite a bit harder than using configure. MinGW + MSYS makes it easy to use the existing Unix-y build process to generate wget builds for Windows; MSVS begins to look less attractive for official maintenance.

Micah Cowan <micahcowan>
Tue 08 Sep 2009 07:12:25 AM UTC, original submission:  

While I'm at it, consider including these patches for static-linked wget on MSVS:


changes are against 1.11.4.

Tentatively targeting at 1.12, but may decide to do this after the Unix sources are released.

Micah Cowan <micahcowan>


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  • -email is unavailable- added by micahcowan (Submitted the item)

    Follow 5 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2009-09-25 micahcowan Work RequiredNone 2 - Weeks
    2009-09-25 micahcowan Priority3 - Low 2
    2009-09-23 micahcowan Patch IncludedYes No
    2009-09-22 micahcowan Priority5 - Normal 3 - Low
    2009-09-08 micahcowan Planned Release1.12 1.12.x

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