bugGNU FM - Bugs: bug #26492, Changes to the way groups work


bug #26492: Changes to the way groups work

Submitter:  Matt Lee <mattl>
Submitted:  Thu 07 May 2009 11:55:19 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  In Progress
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  tobyink
Open/Closed:  Open
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Fri 08 May 2009 12:21:08 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Group ownership reassignment now works.

Toby Inkster <tobyink>
Group Member
Fri 08 May 2009 08:43:14 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Categorising groups certainly seems like a good idea - I hadn't expected the explosion in groups that we got and naively thought that a single group listing would be enough.

I'm not sure that the categories below are necessarily the best way of doing things though. Looking at the currently existing groups, most of them seem to fall into the following categories:

  • Genres of music
  • Media players
  • Operating systems
  • Free culture
  • Regional

Regarding 'Ubuntu' versus 'ubuntu', I added a case-insensitive existence check before creating a group yesterday. See bug https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?26477. Some existing groups which broke the new rule may have slipped under the radar though.

For group merging, I've had in my mind for a few days, that if both groups are owned by the same person, they should be able to merge them together.

Groups do have 'leaders' though they are referred to as 'owners' in the source code and not indicated in the UI at all.

Regarding ownership changes, the way I planned on implementing it was on the edit-page, to include a drop-down list of all current members, and allow ownership to be assigned to any of them. Once ownership has been assigned to someone, then the previous owner is no longer tied to the group and may leave.

Regarding profile deletion, I hadn't considered that, as there was no profile deletion feature at the time I wrote this functionality. A possible solution would be to include as part of the profile deletion script: for any groups which the user is a member of and the group has no other members, delete the group along with the user; for other groups which the user owns, but have other members, ownership is automatically transferred to the member who joined earliest.

I considered including a banning mechanism, but decided not to include it to begin with as it would be easy enough to implement later on.

Lastly, sorting groups by members: I didn't do this to begin with because I couldn't remember what restrictions (if any) PostgreSQL had on using "GROUP BY x" and "ORDER BY y" where x and y where not the same. I suppose even if there are restrictions, the sorting could be done by PHP without too much slowness.

Toby Inkster <tobyink>
Group Member
Fri 08 May 2009 03:17:14 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Possibly relevant: currently users can delete their profile and thereby leave groups with nonexistent owners even though they're not allowed to leave the groups any other way.  A similar mechanism should apply to both types of abandonment.

Clint Adams <clint>
Group Member
Thu 07 May 2009 11:55:19 PM UTC, original submission:  

I think groups should be categorized.


I would also like group names to be lowercase in the URLs.

I would also like some way to organize and merge groups... for example, we have two Ubuntu groups 'ubuntu' and 'Ubuntu' -- I'd like to be able to merge these.

Also, the groups list should be first of the categories, with maybe the most popular group under each heading.

A group should have a leader, who can ban members from the group.

A group can also be abandoned by its leader and a new member may step up as leader.

Finally, we should list groups by their number of members, and we should paginate them.

Oh, and I removed the random group thing -- I think instead, we should feature groups.

Also, I've added a little bit of text to the create group screen.

Matt Lee <mattl>


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