bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #24390, Fail to open an URL from a flash.


bug #24390: Fail to open an URL from a flash.

Submitter:  SebastiĆ” Matas <annonygmouse>
Submitted:  Sat 27 Sep 2008 05:26:42 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Release:  trunk Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 11 Nov 2009 08:47:20 AM UTC, comment #5: 

Hi we were having the same problem as above:

We couldn't use it in our web: http://www.informatica-i7store.com with gnash.
They have a map at the URL
The problem was that gnash didn't add the value to the "param" option, so instead of GETting
the URL: http://www.informatica-i7store.com/sitemap.xml
gnash GETs: http://www.informatica-i7store.com using ICEAPE on Debian unstable amd64 and using a
checked out version from today.
Here's the log.
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:11 SECURITY: Load from host http://www.informatica-i7store.com granted (default)
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:11 SECURITY: Allowing connections to SSL sites with invalid certificates
20368:1111144784] 19:00:12 ERROR: Size of stream variables were loaded from advertised to be 0 bytes long, but turned out to be only 399 bytes long
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:12 SECURITY: Checking security of URL 'http://www.informatica-i7store.com/sitemap.xml
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:12 SECURITY: Load from host http://www.informatica-i7store.com granted (default)
Checking player requests on fd 50
Normal read: GET :#mapa
Asked to get URL '#mapa
' in target ''
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:18 SECURITY: Checking security of URL 'http://www.informatica-i7store.com'
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:18 SECURITY: Load from host http://www.pcbox.com granted (default)
Checking player requests on fd 50

thanks to all

Carla Guggino <carlaguggino>
Wed 08 Jul 2009 09:34:42 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Do those vars get in the 'data' parameter to movie_root::loadMovie ?

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Wed 08 Jul 2009 09:07:38 AM UTC, comment #3: 

The missing values look like 'local' variables in listswf_d. The loadMovie opcode has a sendvars method of 1 (get). Gnash doesn't send any flashvars except "lan" and "cnt", which are both manually added to the /:internat variable. I guess we should be encoding param, seccion and familia too, but I don't know enough about how SWF4 works.

if( !(id=='') ) {
  if( !(id=='2000') ) {
    param = (id*/:pc1)+/:pc2;
  } else {
    param = id;
} else {
  param = '1';
seccion = /:seccion;
familia = /:familia;

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
  Spam posted by anonymous
Mon 29 Sep 2008 07:24:04 AM UTC, comment #1: 

do you have an idea about where is the 'param' thing supposed to come from ?

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Sat 27 Sep 2008 05:26:42 PM UTC, original submission:  


Gnash has improved A LOT and really quick. A couple of months
ago I could not use the web: www.pcbox.com with gnash.

They have a map at the URL
were you can choose the shop. After clicking on a province,
a menu with the shops in that province appears and you
can click on the name of them and you're suposed to be
redirected to that web, but with gnash doesn't work.

As far as I can see, the problem is that gnash does not
add the value to the "param" option, so instead of GETting
the URL: http://www.pcbox.com/catalogo/default.asp?lan=es&cnt=es&param=385274145
gnash GETs: http://www.pcbox.com/catalogo/default.asp?lan=es&cnt=es&param=

I'm using ICEAPE on Debian unstable amd64 and using a
checked out version from today.

Here's the log.

20368:140485108983712] 19:00:11 SECURITY: Load from host www.pcbox.com granted (default)
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:11 SECURITY: Allowing connections to SSL sites with invalid certificates
20368:1111144784] 19:00:12 ERROR: Size of stream variables were loaded from advertised to be 0 bytes long, but turned out to be only 399 bytes long
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:12 SECURITY: Checking security of URL 'http://www.pcbox.com/mapa/default.asp#mapa'
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:12 SECURITY: Load from host www.pcbox.com granted (default)
Checking player requests on fd 50
Normal read: GET :#mapa
Asked to get URL '#mapa
' in target ''
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:18 SECURITY: Checking security of URL 'http://www.pcbox.com/mapa/enlazaMapa.asp?lan=es&cnt=es'
20368:140485108983712] 19:00:18 SECURITY: Load from host www.pcbox.com granted (default)
Checking player requests on fd 50
Normal read: GET _self:/mapa/enlazaMapa.asp?lan=es&cnt=es
Asked to get URL '/mapa/enlazaMapa.asp?lan=es&cnt=es
' in target '_self'


SebastiĆ” Matas <annonygmouse>
Group Member


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