bugGuile - Bugs: bug #24130, `strftime' broken on AIX, Tru64,...


bug #24130: `strftime' broken on AIX, Tru64, and Solaris

Submitter:  Ludovic Courtès <civodul>
Submitted:  Mon 25 Aug 2008 08:37:10 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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  Spam posted by anonymous
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  Spam posted by susancai
Mon 11 May 2009 10:16:30 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Fixed in `master' thanks to Gnulib.

In 1.8, not a fix but an improvement:


We could use `AC_LIBOBJ' et al. to provide a real fix, though...


Ludovic Courtès <civodul>
Group administrator
Mon 11 May 2009 08:37:14 PM UTC, comment #2: 

On Tru64 5.1b, we get:

FAIL: strftime: C99 %z format: GMT
FAIL: strftime: C99 %z format: EST+5

More precisely:

(putenv "TZ=GMT+0")
(let ((tm (localtime 86400)))
  (strftime "%z" tm))
=> "GMT"


(putenv "TZ=EST+5")
(let ((tm (localtime 86400)))
  (strftime "%z" tm))
=> "EST"

The feature test in `time.test' goes like this:

(strftime "%z" (gmtime 0))
=> "EST"


Ludovic Courtès <civodul>
Group administrator
Mon 25 Aug 2008 08:38:50 AM UTC, comment #1: 
Ludovic Courtès <civodul>
Group administrator
Mon 25 Aug 2008 08:37:10 AM UTC, original submission:  


`strftime' was reported to be broken on AIX:


It is also said to be broken on Solaris.

Gnulib has an `strftime' module, which we should use in HEAD and borrow in 1.8.


Ludovic Courtès <civodul>
Group administrator


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    2009-05-11 civodul Summary`strftime\' broken on AIX and Solaris `strftime' broken on AIX, Tru64, and Solaris

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