bugGNU Paint - Bugs: bug #23645, Drag current Selection


bug #23645: Drag current Selection

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Thu 19 Jun 2008 07:10:44 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 19 Jun 2008 07:10:44 PM UTC, original submission:  

Actually it is not a bug...but a missing feature. I say "missing" because I believe even a very very simple painting program should give you the possibility to drag the current selection.

I think the importance of Gnu Paint in the Gnome DE is underestimated. I see people trying to migrate to Linux/Gnome from other OS's and having problems with such a simple application. Something so simple like moving a selected area becomes to an adventure.

I really believe, it would probably take less time for programming this feature than the time I need to right this report (in bad English). After ending a selection one has to just trigger one cut action and one paste action to the original coordinates in order to come automatically into the moving mode. The only complication would be with the polyline selection, where one has to find a mechanism to trigger the end of the selection (a right mouse click or a second click on the tool icon on the toolbar or both would be for me at least pretty intuitive).

By the way, where is the rectangle selection tool? In version 0.3.3 is not there any more. Instead of removing this feature I would rather change the toolbar icons for all three selection tools. The blue background make them seem somehow like activated or "pressed". I would prefer the standard grey background and a black dotted line instead of white.

I refer always to the version 0.3.3. If these problems are already solved in newer versions, please ignore my critic.



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