bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #23300, ERROR: OpenGL: invalid enumerant


bug #23300: ERROR: OpenGL: invalid enumerant

Submitter:  Ed Martin <edman007>
Submitted:  Mon 19 May 2008 08:32:13 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Release:  None Status:  Need Info
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Wed 16 Sep 2009 10:57:58 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Hi, I also noticed this error on my platform (an AMD one). This seems to be caused by glMatrixMode(GL_COLOR) in drawVideoFrame(). Anyway, I am working on a replacement based on GL textures instead of glDrawPixels(). The aim is to allow a HW video accelerator to decode to an OpenGL texture and use that instead (no slow CPU/GPU memory roundtrips, color space conversion et al.).

Gwenole Beauchesne <gbeauche>
Mon 19 May 2008 09:27:03 PM UTC, comment #1: 

The error you see is a notification that an error flag has been set. (This is pretty much the only debugging information you get from OpenGL itself.)

Since this is likely an issue with the driver you're using, someone who uses the same driver will have to debug it. I think it's unlikely that any of the Gnash people will be doing that soon.

But you could debug the issue yourself, Ed. (And it's not that hard.) If you install BuGLe (from http://www.opengl.org/sdk/tools/BuGLe/) and run Gnash within BuGLe you'll see output from BuGLe pinpointing where the error is coming from. That will ususally be a line in the Gnash source code. If you post this information here, that would be a huge help.

Bastiaan Jacques <bjacques>
Group Member
Mon 19 May 2008 08:32:13 PM UTC, original submission:  

I'm running slamd64 (12.1rc1), everything in 64-bit mode, when i play a youtube video i get 'ERROR: OpenGL: invalid enumerant' spammed very rapidly into the logs (it starts when the video starts playing), this is the same box as https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?23299 so everything there also applies (running CVS HEAD)

the video card is an ATI radeonHD 3870 and i'm using the fglrx v8.4 driver

Ed Martin <edman007>


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