bugGnash - The GNU Flash player - Bugs: bug #19406, agg seems to get invisibilty out...


bug #19406: agg seems to get invisibilty out by one

Submitter:  Martin Guy <martinwguy>
Submitted:  Sat 24 Mar 2007 06:06:11 PM UTC
Category:  render-agg Severity:  3 - Normal
Release:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  udog
Open/Closed:  Open
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  Spam posted by anonymous
Fri 25 Jan 2008 04:06:46 PM UTC, comment #8: 

I added that comment because in the gtk glue I always use (bpp+7)/8 to get 2 bytes for 15 bpp mode. I'm pretty sure this is wrong, but didn't want to touch KDE code since I never used it.

Anyway, such an mistake should lead to extreme problems - I would expect a segfault or something like that (since the buffer if half the required size).

Udo Giacomozzi <udog>
Group Member
Thu 24 Jan 2008 09:45:48 AM UTC, comment #7: 

Can this be related with the failure we getin mask_test2runner ?
Basically, it seems white is not always white in RGB555...

I noticed a comment of Bastiaan in kde agg glue
asking udo if it was correct for _depth to be 1 for 15 bit
pixel formats (sounds wrong to me too..)
The comment is beside a code using bpp/8, which is 1 for bpp=15

Sandro Santilli <strk>
Group Member
Mon 29 Oct 2007 10:03:45 AM UTC, comment #6: 

The background colour for whack-a-doc is as follows, by the way:

15852] 11:01:30: background r: 255      b: 255  g: 0    a: 255

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
Mon 29 Oct 2007 08:15:59 AM UTC, comment #5: 

I have the same problem with whack-a-doc on agg-gtk with 16 bpp colour (but not with 24-bpp, I think). Looks like same bug as the problems reported in bug #21367. File #12269 looks like what I get.

Agg output:
8558] 09:13:10: Your X server expects RGB24 pixmap data for standard mode.
8558] 09:13:10: X server pixel format is (R11:5, G5:6, B0:5, 16 bpp)
8558] 09:13:10: X server is using RGB565 pixel format
8558] 09:13:10: framebuffer pixel format is RGB565 (little-endian host)

Benjamin Wolsey <bwy>
Group Member
Tue 22 May 2007 09:38:25 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Hmm, I don't think the background color is incorrect, but let's check it to be sure..

In render_handler_agg.cpp, function begin_display() (near line 638) print out the value of "background_color". Most interesting is of course it's alpha (m_a) member.

Udo Giacomozzi <udog>
Group Member
Fri 18 May 2007 11:41:45 AM UTC, comment #3: 

It looks like the alpha of the background wash is 99% instead of 100%.

Martin Guy <martinwguy>
  Spam posted by #59428
Tue 08 May 2007 01:53:30 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I have no explanation for this.

- could these be left-overs from previously visible characters (like the background not being completely erased) ?

- are there other differences in the SDL implementation?

Udo Giacomozzi <udog>
Group Member
Sat 24 Mar 2007 06:06:11 PM UTC, original submission:  

In whack-a-doc the single combination AGG-SDL renderers ghostly doctors where they should be invisible. agg-gtk and opengl-sdl get this right.

Martin Guy <martinwguy>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #12272:  whack-a-doc-v2.swf added by martinwguy (76KiB - application/x-shockwave-flash)


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  • -email is unavailable- added by strk (Updated the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by bwy (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by #59428 (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by udog (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by martinwguy (Submitted the item)

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    Follow 7 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2008-01-09 strk Assigned toNone udog
    2007-10-29 bwy Summaryagg/SDL seems to get invisibilty out by one agg seems to get invisibilty out by one
    2007-03-24 martinwguy Attached File- Added whack-a-doc-v2.swf, #12272
    2007-03-24 martinwguy Attached File- Added whack-a-doc-macromedia.png, #12268
        Attached File- Added whack-a-doc-agg-sdl.png, #12269
        Attached File- Added whack-a-doc-agg-gtk.png, #12270
        Attached File- Added whack-a-doc-opengl-sdl.png, #12271

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