taskGNU TeXmacs - Tasks: task #1598, automatic list of localizable...


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task #1598: automatic list of localizable strings in texmacs

Submitter:  David Allouche <ddaa>
Submitted:  -
Votes: 1
Category:  User Interface Should Start On:  -
Should be Finished on:  - Priority:  5 - Normal
Status:  None Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  None Percent Complete:  Any
Open/Closed:  Open Effort:  0.00

-, original submission:  

The translation dictionnaries used by TeXmacs (in $(tmdata)/langs/natural/dic/) are currently growing without bound. We need a tool to get the list of all translatable strings in TeXmacs, so unused strings can be set apart (for potential future reuse).

So, we need a tool which automatically generate the list of localizable strings used in TeXmacs.

According to Joris on texmacs-dev on 2002-11-06, we need to:

  - process the output of "strings texmacs.bin"

  - analyze the the scheme menu definitions.

One would also have to survey the rest of the scheme code, and also get all strings which are used in TRANSLATE elements in stylesheets.

David Allouche <ddaa>
Group administrator


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