taskGNU Astronomy Utilities - Tasks: task #15138, Color command-line output


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task #15138: Color command-line output

Submitter:  Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Submitted:  Mon 31 Dec 2018 01:09:37 AM UTC
Should Start On:  Mon 31 Dec 2018 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on:  Mon 31 Dec 2018 12:00:00 AM UTC
Category:  All Gnuastro Priority:  5 - Normal
Item Group:  Enhancement Status:  Postponed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Percent Complete:  0% Open/Closed:  Open
Effort:  0.00

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Wed 31 Jul 2024 08:15:00 PM UTC, comment #6: 

Hi, sorry about that, here is my branch where you can test my solution.

I have used macros defined in "/bin/convolve/ui.h" and "/bin/convolve/convolve.h", near the beginning of the files, to format strings with the necessary ANSI escape sequences for color printing as well as checking if stdout is a file or a tty.

You can see examples of the usage at "/bin/convolve/ui.c" L707 to L711, L813 and "/bin/convolve/convolve.c" L843

Presumably if we were to follow this approach, you would need a single header containing all the color macros that can be included wherever required.

Additionally, if we want to give the user a choice over whether color should be used, either the macro would be modified or we could also use static functions for the same.

I have included a script(color-test.sh) to test this. Do let me know your thoughts and any changes that need to be done.

chmod +x color-test.sh
./color-test.sh > temp.txt && cat temp.txt

Warren Jacinto <warrenj>
Sun 28 Jul 2024 06:20:08 PM UTC, comment #5: 

Thanks Warren, I wanted to finally try merging it, but noticed that the only branches in your fork are: 'ocl-build', 'opencl-build' and 'svm-test'. There was no branch about this task.

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator
Wed 10 Apr 2024 02:33:45 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Hi, I was working on this task and was able to get a basic implementation working for the verify option of astfits at my fork

I was wondering how this maybe generalized for the entire gnuastro and if there is some existing implementation I could refer to

ls from GNU Coreutils was not so helpful in this regard
Maybe some sort of module that provided functions to set the color of terminal output? and a command line flag to indicate color printing?

Warren Jacinto <warrenj>
Sat 03 Apr 2021 04:51:43 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Thanks a lot Abhishek! This seems like a workable solution, nice work! I think you are ready to try it out in practice in your own development branch (if you haven't done so already).

Here are some commands that can help in the test (using one of the FITS images created during 'make check', and the 'astfits' executable that is in the build directory, so you can play with the source):

# In Gnuastro's build directory (where you ran 'make')
make check -j8

# Write the CHECKSUM and DATASUM keywords for one file
./bin/fits/astfits tests/1_wcscat.fits --write=checksum

# Verify it (both should be correct)
./bin/fits/astfits tests/1_wcscat.fits --verify

# Copy the file (just for testing).
cp tests/1_wcscat.fits tests/1_wcscat_2.fits

# Add an extra keyword (just so 'CHECKSUM' isn't valid any more)
./bin/fits/astfits tests/1_wcscat_2.fits --write=junk,123

# Verify the new file (only DATASUM should be verified)
./bin/fits/astfits tests/1_wcscat_2.fits --verify

You can now use the two calls with '--verify' for test-running your implementation.

Have you created a branch and a fork for your development? If not, see Gnuastro's forking tutorial.

I really look forward to see your fork and testing it! We can then find a generalize-able way to put this in the library and use it in many other Gnuastro programs too.

P.S. Savannah's interface is a little old, but it does have a simple Markup that can make your code blocks look more clear (like the case above). The link to this markup page is just on top of the comment-writing box (to the left of the "Preview" button).

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator
Sat 03 Apr 2021 04:16:16 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Hi! I tried to color code the various outputs by creating functions of different colors that switch the output color.
For example :

void red(){

void yellow(){

Then before printing the desired output we can simply call one of these to activate the desired output color. Now to check that the output is printed on terminal and not being piped we can use the "isatty(1)" function where "1" is the parameter that checks that stdout is on terminal.
For example in the  -- verify option in the fits program:

+static int
+keywords_verify(struct fitsparams p, fitsfile *fptr)
+  int dataok, hduok, status=0;
+  /* Ask CFITSIO to verify the two keywords. */
+  if( fits_verify_chksum(*fptr, &dataok, &hduok, &status) )
+    gal_fits_io_error(status, NULL);
+  /*Applying a check to see that output is being printed on terminal itself */
+  if(isatty(1)){
+    /* calling the desired color function */
+    red();
+  }
+  /* Print the verification result. */
+  printf("DATASUM:  %s\n", ( dataok==1
+                             ? "Verified"
+                             : ( dataok==0 ? "NOT-PRESENT" : "INCORRECT" )));
+  printf("CHECKSUM: %s\n", ( hduok==1
+                             ? "Verified"
+                             : ( hduok==0  ? "NOT-PRESENT" : "INCORRECT" )));
+  /* Some further information. */
+  if(!p->cp.quiet)
+    printf("\n--------\n"
+           " - DATASUM:  calculated only from the HDU/extension's data (not "
+           "keywords).\n"
+           " - CHECKSUM: calculated from the full header (data and "
+           "keywords).\n\n");
+  /* Return failure if any of the keywords are not verified. */
+  return (dataok==-1 || hduok==-1) ? EXIT_FAILURE : EXIT_SUCCESS;

will this work for the issue ? Please give suggestions :)

Abhishek Yadav <abhishek_yadav>
Mon 31 Dec 2018 01:11:04 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Another situation to check (for removing color) is in more limited terminals like the internal Emacs terminal (when you run `M-x compile').

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator
Mon 31 Dec 2018 01:09:37 AM UTC, original submission:  

In many scenarios of Gnuastro's programs, it can be really helpful if the output text (on the command-line) is color coded. For example the new `--verify' option to the Fits program.

Fortunately all modern terminal emulators (even on Windows), follow the same ANSI escape codes to define colors (summary, or full Wikipedia description.

So the job isn't too hard, it just needs some checks (to remove when the output isn't being directly printed on a terminal, for example being piped). We should look to see how `ls' (in GNU Coreutils) does it.

Mohammad Akhlaghi <makhlaghi>
Group administrator


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