mainThe GNU Bourne-Again SHell - Support: Browse Items

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Item ID down Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#102985 Builtin printf: format "%c" fails Done 2004-04-08
#103583 Bash redirection undo file descriptors not closed before forking off processes. Done 2004-11-18
#104821 Wish: string function aliases Wont Do 2005-11-09
#105519 possibility to execute directories. Done 2006-08-21
#105755 Anonymous CVS Access unavailable? Done 2007-01-31
#106631 typo Done 2009-02-06
#107179 '\ \^Q^I' produces SIGABORT / "programming error" Done 2009-12-23
#107633 autocd should include directories in CDPATH Wont Do 2011-03-22
#107731 Full load bash (100% cpu) Invalid 2011-06-29
#107734 Brace expansion should not be done in POSIX mode Wont Do 2011-07-05
#107770 No clear indication of error if .bash_history exists but not accessible Wont Do 2011-08-09
#107823 shell history loses lines beginning with # in a here-document Done 2011-09-30
#107851 Memory leak on interrupted path completion Done 2011-10-24
#107863 Error in man page describing -c option as taking an argument. Done 2011-11-03
#107871 associative array assignment is more constrained when using () construct, than when using direct [] assignment Done 2011-11-14
#107897 Divide by -1 can bring down bash with SIGFPE Done 2011-11-30
#107899 bash-4.2 fails to compile with missing job control options Done 2011-12-03
#107905 A white space char in first position in lines with commands or comments is lost in history file Done 2011-12-10
#107950 When SYS_BASHRC is set, /etc/bash.bashrc is being executed even when --rcfile is chosen Invalid 2012-02-06
#107951 PROMPT_COMMAND is not documented in PROMPTING section Wont Do 2012-02-07
#107960 Command * or other wild card solve issues. Wont Do 2012-02-21
#107974 sequence expression boundaries should be variable Wont Do 2012-02-29
#108103 Add a sha/md5 crytographic digest/hash generation to verify scripts before execution - and other uses. Wont Do 2012-08-08
#108110 [bug] righthand of = or == in [[ ]] seems to do quote removal on expanded variables Invalid 2012-08-17
#108134 Use XDG dirs instead of $HOME Postponed 2012-09-16
#108163 Broken shell line handling when using X clipboard as input Invalid 2012-10-16
#108171 documentation of == within [[ ]] is incorrect Done 2012-10-30
#108191 bash drops errexit option in sourced file Done 2012-11-29
#108283 Problem in execute_cmd.c if configuration not COND_COMMAND and (DPAREN_ARITHMETIC or ARITH_FOR_COMMAND) is set. Done 2013-04-14
#108305 bash exec converts relative paths to absolute, Other Bourne-style shells don't (and I feel that's more sensible) Wont Do 2013-05-21
#108319 segfault with lastpipe set Done 2013-06-08
#108334 typo fixes in source code Done 2013-07-02
#108336 subtle differences between ksh and bash Works For Me 2013-07-06
#108341 cannot wait for children created with process substitution Done 2013-07-19
#108381 Bug in the right bitwise shift >> Invalid 2013-09-01
#108450 jobs.c: off-by-one job id in a warning message Done 2013-11-26
#108476 Feature Request: simple way to tab complete aliases Done 2014-01-20
#108483 Add a feature to log previous command with output. Wont Do 2014-01-25
#108491 Is `set -o histexpand` meant to trump `set -o posix`? [eg, echo "#!/"] (Because it does.) Done 2014-02-01
#108498 Cygwin - deprecated function Done 2014-02-07
#108530 History duplicates with multiple sessions Wont Do 2014-03-13
#108547 Is there a function to replace the command line text? Done 2014-04-18
#108555 builtin test misinterprets "( ! ! )" expression Invalid 2014-04-22
#108569 cd // changes the shell's working directory to // Invalid 2014-05-13
#108576 Bash should support file:// URLs as regular paths Wont Do 2014-05-20
#108593 Interrupt on process substitution from stdin kills bash Done 2014-06-04
#108596 Bash completion fails for files with names containing newlines Invalid 2014-06-07
#108608 die in bash Wont Do 2014-07-02
#108609 In en-US.UTF-8 locale, '*[A-Z]*' matches very oddly Invalid 2014-07-03
#108616 "jobs" shows 'less "$@"' rather than actual argument with function Wont Do 2014-07-15

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