mainAROUNDMe - Support: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
Open/Closed:  Status:  Assigned to: 

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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort. You can also activate multicolumn sort. Currently, results are sorted by Item IDup.

13 matching items

Item ID up Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#106047 some feedback on installer 2007-10-08
#106046 Installer does not add outbound directory Pending barnraiser 2007-10-08
#106027 Dates not formatted Pending 2007-09-22
#106023 wrong link to social bookmarking-sites 2007-09-20
#106015 JQuery and AMPi 2007-09-14
#106014 connections avatars not sorted by connection datetime Pending 2007-09-14
#106013 Extended inbound connections link Pending 2007-09-14
#106004 Error whlie using events plugin Pending 2007-09-05
#105963 Two simultanious AJAX requests error Pending 2007-08-09
#105960 tag links not working in search page In Progress barnraiser 2007-08-03
#105959 RSS order Pending barnraiser 2007-08-03
#105946 Delisted discussion comments still appear in comment lists. Pending barnraiser 2007-07-20
#105920 Plugin tag format incorrect Pending barnraiser 2007-06-29

13 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 
Closed Items Priority Colors:
     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9 

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