mainGNUzilla - Support: sr #109184, ICECAT: CTRL + Shift + N opens a...


sr #109184: ICECAT: CTRL + Shift + N opens a sex website??

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 11 Nov 2016 12:40:32 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  Microsoft Windows
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Sun 17 Dec 2017 01:00:40 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I just installed IceCat 52.3.0 and tried your key combination, it does absolutely nothing.  I also noticed that the key combination for private browsing is CTRL-Shift-P (not N).  I have no idea but it seems like your previous site was catching the key combination and sending you off to that site.  Or, it could be a "popup" that happened by coincidence.  I grepped for that domain in the gnuzilla source and the mozilla source and it is not there, so it's definitely not something caused by this project.  Good luck.

Damien Zammit <zamaudio>
Fri 11 Nov 2016 12:40:32 PM UTC, original submission:  


Just a quick question about something I've just experienced today on the IceCat browser. I'm a newbie, I installed this browser like 3 weeks ago for the first time.

Today, suddenly I tried to open a private window on Icecat using the same shortcut as on Chrome, CTRL + shift + N and it just opened a new window (without menus or bookmarks bar as I have on a normal window) that always shows the same address:

That looks a lot like a scammy sex website. Why is that on my IceCat?? Immediately I imagined that the browser had been compromised by some extension, but I only have these installed:

*HTML5 Video Everywhere! 0.3.4
*HTTPS-Everywhere 5.1.6
*IceCatHome 1.0
*GNU LibreJS

They just look legit to me. Is there any problem with any of them? How do I delete that shortcut association value? Can't find anything about that on the net.

Thanks a million in advance.



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Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #38935:  icecat-scam.png added by None (532KiB - image/png - That's an example of what I explained... It keeps opening that everytime I type CTRL+shift+N)


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  • -email is unavailable- added by None (Submitted the item)

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    Follows 1 latest change.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2016-11-11 None Attached File- Added icecat-scam.png, #38935

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