mainCompact Disc Input and Control Library - Support: sr #103793, Full UDF (CD's/DVD's) compliant...


sr #103793: Full UDF (CD's/DVD's) compliant reading

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 18 Jan 2005 04:41:51 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  Postponed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  None
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Sun 13 Jan 2008 12:21:38 PM UTC, comment #26: 

There are patches for UDF 2.50 reading on the Linux UDF project patch tracker on, for most Linux kernels, see:

Andreas Setterlind <gamester17>
Sun 13 Jan 2008 12:15:46 PM UTC, comment #25: 

Any news or updates on UDF v2.5 support?
UDF 2.50 is what Blu-ray and HD DVD uses.

There is also a UDF version 2.60 out, see:

Andreas Setterlind <gamester17>
Fri 07 Jul 2006 08:04:05 PM UTC, comment #24: 

Could it be ported from and then updated using the documentation from ?

Fri 07 Jul 2006 07:58:09 PM UTC, comment #23: 

Can you somehow try to recruit more members to the libcdio project?, maybe post jobs on:

And maybe start a contest, or find a sponsor to hire a task programmer (india outsource)?

Can you 'get it out there' to let people know about PayPal donations to the project?

Sat 20 May 2006 03:07:59 PM UTC, comment #22: 

Small correction. I had an off-by-one error in release numbers: 0.77 added UDF headers and what is in CVS now will be come release 0.78

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Sat 20 May 2006 02:57:28 PM UTC, comment #21: 

Various UDF headers were added to version 0.76. In CVS there is some basic support for getting directory entries and reading files which will probably go out in 0.77.

I had proposed this as a Google Summer of Code project ('06). However no student signed up for this project. (Short of one student who was probably not qualified and probably not genuinely interested either.)

Last and least of all, as far as I can tell no money's been collected either should there be someone who was willing to work on this for hire.

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Wed 22 Mar 2006 12:15:07 PM UTC, comment #20: 

I too want UDF support ín libcdio, I can't code myself

Tue 06 Sep 2005 12:30:02 AM UTC, comment #19: 

Sorry for not replying sooner.

I recently changed jobs and it looks like I won't have much free programming time.

However, in free moments I'll try to start working on this.  If
anybody's interested in contributing towards paying developers for getting this task done, money can be sent via Paypal to -email is unavailable- (this is my roommate's account; be sure to include a note saying what it's for and how you want any attribution of contribution noted).

If other developers get involved, I can send them contributed money from this account.

If the work isn't done by the time Google has another "Summer of
Coding," I can certainly put in a suggestion.

Thanks for the repeated interest.

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Wed 24 Aug 2005 11:12:30 AM UTC, comment #18: 

do/would you take paypal donations for programming this?

Thu 07 Jul 2005 09:45:59 AM UTC, comment #17: 

yes will someone please volenteers to add udf support, there are no multi-platform libraries for it out there =(

Wed 06 Jul 2005 10:14:51 AM UTC, comment #16: 

Yeah libdvdread/dvdread could be used as a low-level code base for adding UDF file-system support to libcdio (but the higher-level code to understand file-structure such as .IFO, etc. is not needed in libcdio, just ISO9660 file-structure is not needed, the 'only thing needed' is for libcdio to be able to read the data of all discs with UDF file-system, the rest higher-level code that is not in libcdio will have to handle themselves, again similar to libcdio deals with ISO9660).

I would also like to make it clear that general UDF support will never be implemented into libdvdnav/dvdread, the authors of libdvdnav ( has made that very clear, they will only implement code and features that is directly related to DVD-Video playback and navigation, ...libcdio authors can be safe that they will not step on any-ones toes if they would add UDF support to libcdio, so libcdio would not be in competition in any way with libdvdnav/dvdread.

Wed 06 Jul 2005 09:06:54 AM UTC, comment #15: 

Question: Why not use libdvdnav for UDF support?, (as it was suggested to port it from libdvdnav to libcdio).
Answeer: Because libdvdnav UDF support is only a limited version of UDF 1.02 (that isn't full UDF support).

Wed 06 Jul 2005 09:00:25 AM UTC, comment #14: 

For referese; UDF file-system 'unofficial' specification for DVD-Audio (DVDA) discs can be found here:
PS! The AUDIO_TS folder on all DVD-Video discs is ISO9660 so DVD-Video discs are in fact hybrids:
(anyone with NERO can test/burn this themself,  ...all but the "AUDIO_TS" folder is a form of UDF 1.02).

Tue 05 Jul 2005 01:00:07 PM UTC, comment #13: 

As stated before, the issue is a shortage of volunteers. Some discussion of what might be appropriate is on the libcdio-devel mailing list.

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Tue 05 Jul 2005 11:19:52 AM UTC, comment #12: 

I think the OSD-scene would benifit from a common library which supports all UDF

Wed 29 Jun 2005 09:32:00 AM UTC, comment #11: 

I don't understand the benefit here. Why not use libdvdnav when one needs things from libdvdnav?

I post something to the libcdio-devel mailing list to solicit comments there.

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Wed 29 Jun 2005 09:07:06 AM UTC, comment #10: 

Please port dvd_udf.h and dvd_udf.c from dvdread (libdvdnav) to read DVD-Video UDF

Sun 05 Jun 2005 05:14:44 PM UTC, comment #9: 

Yeah how about closing the bug repost (since not a bug) and only keep this request open?

PS! If you do that then suggest copy the request for other devs to volenteer into here ;-)

Sun 05 Jun 2005 07:39:36 AM UTC, comment #8: 

See also
which is a duplicates this request.

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Thu 02 Jun 2005 11:38:08 AM UTC, comment #7: 

How can we activly lobby (convince) developers to code this and submit a patch for it?, any ideas?, maybe a contest with a prize?

Thu 19 May 2005 08:03:57 AM UTC, comment #6: 

FYI, since original request was made UDF revision 2.50 and 2.60 been announced by OSTA:

UDF revision 2.60 changes/differences from UDF 2.50:
(Added Pseudo OverWrite method for drives supporting pseudo overwrite capability on sequentially recordable media)

UDF revision 2.50 changes/differences from UDF 2.01:
(Added the Metadata Partition facilitating metadata clustering and optional duplication of file system information)

Mon 16 May 2005 11:40:26 AM UTC, comment #5: 

There is no question that UDF support is importan, very desireable and would be a great thing to add to libcdio as probably another library.

The issue is a shortage of volunteers.

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Mon 16 May 2005 11:06:29 AM UTC, comment #4: 

I heard Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will use UDF as default!?!

Thu 28 Apr 2005 10:40:45 AM UTC, comment #3: 

The king (ISO) is dead, long live the king (UDF) ;-)

Thu 17 Mar 2005 08:07:18 AM UTC, comment #2: 
Wed 02 Feb 2005 05:31:39 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Any volunteers?

Rocky Bernstein <rocky>
Group administrator
Tue 18 Jan 2005 04:41:51 PM UTC, original submission:  

Request for full UDF (Universal Disk Format) compliant reading support.
(this request for both data-UDF and video-UDF on both CD and DVD):

Please add a full UDF parser / layer to libCDIO, capable or reading all UDF and ISO/UDF hybrid formats. UDF is an open standard defined by OSTA (Optical Storage Technology Association) so hopefully finding all the specification / documentation and even existing code for it should not be too hard. Please prioritize x86 ATA / ATAPI and OS Independent oriented code support first. Personaly I see reading UDF data and hybrid ISO/UDF discs most important, ....but reading data of non-encrypted DVD-Video (DVD-V) discs through a common library like libcdio would be very nice too, (many people think that UDF is only for DVD-Video but that is not true; while ISO 9660 was only designed for CD's and then later extended for DVD's, UDF was designed for both data CD's and data DVD's from the start so should really be the primary file-system used for all DVD's.

Looking for full UDF read support for:
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 1.0
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 1.02
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 1.5
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 2.0
UDF (Universal Disk Format) revision 2.01

Universal Disk Format (UDF) specs and docs:

Existing Source Code (C and/or C++) that I found:

Smart would probebly also be to check out Linux OS's source's ;-)

Other common information on UDF:

PS! Reading Xbox DVD Filesystem be nice too but not so important:



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