mainGNU Foliot - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 11545
System Name: foliot
Name: GNU Foliot
Group Type: Official GNU software

This software is part of the GNU Project.

GNU Foliot
a small and easy to use time keeping application.

It can be used in a single user mode or by small organizations. Starting with version 0.9.4, it can import other user's database, an essential feature for remote collaborators.

The fields it handles are: a date, who, for whom, what, a duration, whether or not to be charged and a description.

It includes, on the main application screen, a powerful dynamic filters criteria mechanism, which lets you visualize, work on and print a subset of your time keeping entries.

A printing templates system allows you to (pre)define, reuse and hence quickly generate the pdf files and/or printed reports of your needs.

A version which will let users export an active filter based subset of their time keeping entries is under work.

Registration Date: Fri 12 Feb 2016 09:00:23 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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GNU Foliot version 0.9.8
     posted by daviid, Thu 21 Jun 2018 03:37:22 AM UTC

GNU Foliot version 0.9.8 is released (June 2018)

This is a maintenance release, which brings GNU Foliot up-to-date with  Grip 0.2.0, upon which it
depends.  In addition, the default installation locations changed, and there is a new configure option. [...]

GNU Foliot version 0.9.7
     posted by daviid, Mon 26 Mar 2018 02:52:47 AM UTC

GNU Foliot version 0.9.7 is released!

This is a maintenance release, which brings GNU Foliot up-to-date with Guile-2.2, which introduced an incompatible module - goops related - change.

For a list of changes since the previous version, visit the NEWS file. For a complete description, consult the git summary and git log.

GNU Foliot version 0.9.6-beta is released.
     posted by daviid, Fri 15 Apr 2016 02:18:37 AM UTC

This release fixes a serious GUI bug that appeared in GNU Foliot version 0.9.6-alpha: none of the Who , For whom and What combobox gtk entries where editable. Thanks to Juliana França who reported this bug.

See GNU Foliot's git summary and git log for a complete list and description of changes since version 0.9.6-alpha.

GNU Foliot version 0.9.6-alpha is released.
     posted by daviid, Wed 09 Mar 2016 02:11:28 AM UTC

This is the first release since Foliot is officially part of GNU and became
GNU Foliot!

Special Note:

    Before GNU Foliot became a GNU package, it was named Kisê.
    The change of name has implied thousands of source code, manual [...]

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