newsGNU Foliot - News


GNU Foliot version 0.9.6-alpha is released.

Item posted by David Pirotte <daviid> on Wed 09 Mar 2016 02:11:28 AM UTC.

This is the first release since Foliot is officially part of GNU and became
GNU Foliot!

Special Note:

    Before GNU Foliot became a GNU package, it was named KisĂȘ.
    The change of name has implied thousands of source code, manual
    and web-pages changes.

    The application is quite robust, with respect to the implemented
    functionality as in version 0.9.5, but the huge quantity of source
    code changes is, in itlself, error prone, hence an alpha release.

    Obviously, we strongly recommend you make a backup of your
    database(s), if you were a KisĂȘ user, you can never be too prudent!

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