DotGNU Portable.NET - Summary
This software is part of the GNU Project.
dotgnu has been decommissioned, unless and until a substantial new volunteer effort arises. The exception is libjit, now a separate package. DotGNU Portable.NET is a suite of free software tools to build and execute .NET applications, includin
Registration Date: Fri 03 Aug 2001 09:10:30 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 9 - Decommissioned
posted by ktreichel, Mon 08 Jun 2009 05:25:41 PM UTC
The DotGNU Portable.NET project is now located in a git repository on savannah.
The url for anonymous access is git://
The project is split in separate submodules so you'll have to do the following to get the submodules:
git clone git://
cd dotgnu-pnet
git submodule update --init
For pulling updates the following commands have to be issued in the dotgnu-pnet directory:
git pull
git submodule update

- Browse Sources Repository
- DotGNU Portable.NET
- DotGNU Portable.NET Compiler tests (cscc)
- DotGNU Portable.NET Graphics library (libCrayons)
- DotGNU Portable.NET Just In Time compiler (libjit)
- DotGNU Portable.NET Mono Libraries (ml-pnet)
- DotGNU Portable.NET engine, compilers and tools (pnet)
- DotGNU Portable.NET C library (pnetC)
- DotGNU Portable.NET Class Library (pnetlib)
- DotGNU Portable.NET Tree Compiler-Compiler (treecc)

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