abcsh - a shell for processing ABC Music Notation - Summary
This software is part of the GNU Project.
abcsh is a shell for processing ABC music notation files. It could form the foundation of a larger system for music composition and orchestration using ABC music notation as a means of representing musical performance. The shell hopes to handle routine ABC transformation likes part extraction, transposition, part merging etc. It is also designed in a way that you can access the ABC notation file content form embedded scripting languages.
Supports ABC music notation version 2.0
Registration Date: Tue 24 Feb 2004 07:51:43 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 9 - Decommissioned
posted by sticks_us, Fri 27 Jun 2008 08:23:47 PM UTC
I've begun a review of the existing documentation and code, and am looking at revising/updating some particular points. At the moment I'm primarily interested in some of the ways we can manipulate/analyze ABC notation. I think there are some powerful ways the existing toolset could be adapted to provide a "swiss army knife" of music creation and analysis, and am grateful to be on board. Stay tuned.
posted by rsdoiel, Fri 18 Nov 2005 08:14:24 PM UTC
I've started playing around with SpiderMonkey for a Javascript engine. Much better packaged then it used to be. I might go with this instead of ngs-js since it is being actively maintained. What I need to evaluate:
- How does this compare or complicate things when embedding both a js engine and guile?
posted by rsdoiel, Tue 31 May 2005 10:00:53 PM UTC
Haven't done much work on this since this time last year. Need to get this out of moth balls. Fortunetly my experiences between then and now will add to this project.
posted by rsdoiel, Mon 04 Oct 2004 07:30:44 PM UTC
Interactive (-i) mode now is working. Code is pretty crude but will do for prototype. Still need to cleanup data structures and wrapper native methods for Guile script access. Will have to update the documentation soon to include instructions on interactive mode.

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