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ABCSH lives!?
     posted by sticks_us, Fri 27 Jun 2008 08:23:47 PM UTC

I've begun a review of the existing documentation and code, and am looking at revising/updating some particular points.  At the moment I'm primarily interested in some of the ways we can manipulate/analyze ABC notation.  I think there are some powerful ways the existing toolset could be adapted to provide a "swiss army knife" of music creation and analysis, and am grateful to be on board.  Stay tuned.

What ecmascript engine?
     posted by rsdoiel, Fri 18 Nov 2005 08:14:24 PM UTC

I've started playing around with SpiderMonkey for a Javascript engine.  Much better packaged then it used to be.  I might go with this instead of ngs-js since it is being actively maintained.  What I need to evaluate:

  • How does this compare or complicate things when embedding both a js engine and guile?
Need to get this out of moth balls
     posted by rsdoiel, Tue 31 May 2005 10:00:53 PM UTC

Haven't done much work on this since this time last year.  Need to get this out of moth balls.  Fortunetly my experiences between then and now will add to this project.

Prototype 0.04 now has a crude interactive mode working
     posted by rsdoiel, Mon 04 Oct 2004 07:30:44 PM UTC

Interactive (-i) mode now is working.  Code is pretty crude but will do for prototype.  Still need to cleanup data structures and wrapper native methods for Guile script access.  Will have to update the documentation soon to include instructions on interactive mode.

Prototype 0.04 now reading and writing ABC files
     posted by rsdoiel, Sun 03 Oct 2004 11:59:03 PM UTC - 2 replies

The source code was updated for prototype 0.04.  It should now use .abcshrc (a Guile based config file for abcsh) if it is found in the home directory.  I've adapted the 0.02 ABC_OM* functions to use as low level function for reading and writing ABC content.  This will eventually be replaced in an upcoming prototype.  I've decided it makes sense [...]

Prototype/docs added to CVS
     posted by rsdoiel, Tue 28 Sep 2004 05:05:38 PM UTC

Writing prototype now using Guile for processing the .abcshrc file.   I've writen an outline of documentation in texinfo and that is now also in the cvs tree.  Still debugging command line options handling.

abcsh is now a GNU program
     posted by rsdoiel, Mon 27 Sep 2004 12:24:48 AM UTC

abcsh has been accepted as a GNU program.  autoproject seems to work now on my development machine so I have a outline of the next prototype started.  I am cleaning up the documentation so I can write some test cases and start developing real code for the 0.04 prototype.

Protyping to help develop a solid plan
     posted by rsdoiel, Sun 26 Sep 2004 05:47:25 PM UTC

The idea of abcsh has evolved over time and continues to evolve and change.  It started as a series of short, simple Perl scripts for processing ABC Music Notation files for a web site.  Later these code more structured and rewritten in Python.  They have been rewritten several times in python turning more and more into a shell like utility. [...]

Project status
     posted by rsdoiel, Tue 21 Sep 2004 05:04:43 PM UTC

This is project is still at the thinking through stage.  I am in the process of learning Autotools and restructing my prototype code so nothing is working at the memoment.

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