Free UCS Outline Fonts - News
posted by Stevan_White, Thu 25 Apr 2013 12:15:56 PM UTC
Now there's an FAQ, by request:
These are paraphrases of questions that have really been asked, most of them repeatedly (so it's at least an RAQ.)
posted by Stevan_White, Thu 03 May 2012 02:02:54 PM UTC
There's a new release! It's
Find binaries and sources at
There are lots of improvements, thanks to the efforts of many contributors.
Main efforts
Latin, Greek, Cyrillic
posted by Stevan_White, Mon 12 Sep 2011 12:04:22 PM UTC
The version control system for the project source files has been changed from CVS to SVN, for the improvements in manipulating directories, etc.
Anyone who checks the project out read-only, should now do so using
svn co svn://
posted by Stevan_White, Sun 19 Sep 2010 02:25:42 PM UTC
A year and a half has passed since the last release. The delay was largely my fault--you have my apologies. A lot has happened though. Several new ranges have been added, some of which are hard to find anywhere as free software. Sinhala and Vietnamese should now be much more functional. Lots of symbols have been added. Many glyphs have been [...]
posted by Stevan_White, Sun 04 Jan 2009 04:32:48 PM UTC
This is a maintenance release on the previous release of GNU FreeFont.
Get it at
Look for files dated
There are three main changes.
1) The Glagolitic range has been removed, due to an unfortunate mistake (mea culpa!) regarding licensing of the font on which the range is based.
posted by Stevan_White, Fri 26 Dec 2008 11:01:07 PM UTC
Another release of Gnu FreeFont, now with *kerning*, and several new ranges!
Download it at
Find versions dated 20081226
See below for more details, and the release ChangeLog file for even more.
Big technical improvement
posted by Stevan_White, Fri 26 Dec 2008 12:11:40 PM UTC
Recent FreeFont releases finally appear in Linux distros!
This week I installed Ubuntu Linux version 8.10 (Interepid Ibex), which was released on Oct. 30. It includes the FreeFont release of March 2008, pulled down from Debian unstable!
posted by Stevan_White, Fri 12 Sep 2008 05:56:28 AM UTC
A major release has been made of GNU FreeFont, including many technical improvements, the addition and removal of some script ranges, and many bug fixes.
Download it at
Find versions dated 20080912
See below for more details, and the release ChangeLog file for even more.
posted by Stevan_White, Sun 24 Aug 2008 06:34:08 PM UTC
Check them out!
This is in anticipation of a new release of the font itself.
Particularly, note the "coverage" page, which contains a table of character ranges vs. their coverage by the different faces of FreeFont. The table was generated by a FontForge script, now in CVS.
posted by Stevan_White, Sun 23 Mar 2008 03:50:25 PM UTC
I'm pleased to announce another release of GNU FreeFont.
This release addresses mostly technical issues with the fonts. Several outstanding bug reports are fixed, and some characters are added, especially Math symbols.
Download it at
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