newsGNU Screen - News: GNU Screen v.4.8.0

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GNU Screen v.5.0.0 is released posted by anaumov, Wed 28 Aug 2024 09:41:30 PM UTC
GNU Screen v.4.9.1 posted by anaumov, Thu 17 Aug 2023 02:24:10 PM UTC
GNU Screen v.4.9.0 posted by anaumov, Tue 01 Feb 2022 04:21:34 PM UTC
GNU Screen v.4.8.0 posted by amade, Wed 05 Feb 2020 08:48:18 PM UTC
GNU Screen v.4.7.0 posted by amade, Tue 01 Oct 2019 10:47:49 PM UTC

GNU Screen v.4.8.0

Item posted by Amadeusz Sławiński <amade> on Wed 05 Feb 2020 08:48:18 PM UTC.

I'm announcing availability of GNU Screen v.4.8.0

Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical
terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells.

This release
  * Improves startup time by only polling for already open files to
  * Fixes:
       - Fix for segfault if termcap doesn't have Km entry
       - Make screen exit code be 0 when checking --version
       - Fix potential memory corruption when using OSC 49

As last fix, fixes potential memory overwrite of quite big size (~768
bytes), and even though I'm not sure about potential exploitability of
that issue, I highly recommend everyone to upgrade as soon as possible.
This issue is present at least since v.4.2.0 (haven't checked earlier).
Thanks to pippin who brought this to my attention.

For full list of changes see

Release is available for download at:
or your closest mirror (may have some delay)

Please report any bugs or regressions.


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