bugGNUstep - Bugs: Statistics


Statistics by 'Assigned to':

Field Description: Who is in charge of handling this item

Open Items

alexm 1/145 1%
CaS 1/145 1%
FredKiefer 9/145 6%
gcasa 12/145 8%
mguesdon 1/145 1%
None 113/145 78%
pooouf 1/145 1%
qmathe 1/145 1%
rmottola 3/145 2%
stoyan 3/145 2%


All Items

alexm 23/2100 1%
arobert 1/2100 0%
ayers 38/2100 2%
benhur 2/2100 0%
buzzdee 8/2100 0%
CaS 49/2100 2%
cehardin 1/2100 0%
dwetzel 2/2100 0%
ericw 11/2100 1%
esersale 8/2100 0%
Fabien_ 4/2100 0%
fedor 112/2100 5%
FredKiefer 283/2100 13%
gcasa 335/2100 16%
GuruWannabe 1/2100 0%
hns 1/2100 0%
ivucica 4/2100 0%
mguesdon 5/2100 0%
mlytwyn 2/2100 0%
nico 47/2100 2%
None 1080/2100 51%
pooouf 1/2100 0%
qmathe 13/2100 1%
ratmice 3/2100 0%
rmottola 19/2100 1%
stefanbidi 2/2100 0%
stefanu 4/2100 0%
stoyan 30/2100 1%
thebeing 1/2100 0%
wim 8/2100 0%
_57132 2/2100 0%


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