bugGNU Octave - Bugs: Statistics


Statistics by 'Category':

Field Description: Generally high level modules or functionalities of the software (e.g. User interface, Configuration Manager, etc)

Open Items

None 19/1858 1%
Octave Function 482/1858 26%
Octave Package 370/1858 20%
Interpreter 274/1858 15%
Libraries 49/1858 3%
Classdef 55/1858 3%
Plotting 129/1858 7%
Plotting with OpenGL 97/1858 5%
Plotting with gnuplot 54/1858 3%
GUI 186/1858 10%
Configuration and Build System 28/1858 2%
Test Suite 17/1858 1%
Performance 22/1858 1%
Documentation 61/1858 3%
Coding Style and Maintenance 2/1858 0%
Other 13/1858 1%


All Items

None 839/12449 7%
Octave Function 2441/12449 20%
Octave Package 1803/12449 14%
Interpreter 1748/12449 14%
Libraries 464/12449 4%
Classdef 74/12449 1%
Plotting 912/12449 7%
Plotting with OpenGL 825/12449 7%
Plotting with gnuplot 339/12449 3%
GUI 1377/12449 11%
Configuration and Build System 929/12449 7%
Test Suite 109/12449 1%
Performance 60/12449 0%
Documentation 440/12449 4%
Coding Style and Maintenance 12/12449 0%
Octave website 31/12449 0%
Octave Forge website 11/12449 0%
Agora website 4/12449 0%
Other 31/12449 0%


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