bugGnuCOBOL (formerly OpenCOBOL) - Bugs: bug #54361, gnu-cobol package does not build...


bug #54361: gnu-cobol package does not build reproducibly

Submitter:  Bernhard M. <bmwiedemann>
Submitted:  Tue 24 Jul 2018 05:47:43 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Tue 24 Jul 2018 05:47:43 AM UTC, original submission:  

It seems, cobc from gnucobol-3.0-rc1
includes the current time into CBL_OC_DUMP.so
See https://reproducible-builds.org/ for why this matters.

to reproduce on openSUSE:
osc checkout openSUSE:Factory/gnu-cobol && cd $_
osc build
osc chroot

# and in there:
cd ~/rpmbuild/BUILD/gnucobol-3.0-rc1/extras
export COB_CONFIG_DIR=../config
export COB_CFLAGS="-I.. -L../libcob/.libs/"
../cobc/cobc -o CBL_OC_DUMP.so CBL_OC_DUMP.cob && md5sum CBL_OC_DUMP.so

diff looks thusly:
/usr/lib64/gnucobol/CBL_OC_DUMP.so differs in ELF section .rodata
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
  3000 332e302d 72633100 43424c5f 4f435f44  3.0-rc1.CBL_OC_D
  3010 554d502e 636f6200 43424c5f 4f435f44  UMP.cob.CBL_OC_D
  3020 554d5000 4a756c20 32332032 30313820  UMP.Jul 23 2018
- 3030 30383a32 393a3539 00300020 62797465  08:29:59.0. byte
+ 3030 30383a33 313a3231 00300020 62797465  08:31:21.0. byte
  3040 73206172 65207368 6f776e21 00393939  s are shown!.999
  3050 39393800 43424c5f 4f435f44 554d503a  998.CBL_OC_DUMP:
  3060 204e6f74 68696e67 20746f20 64756d70   Nothing to dump

cobc should either drop the date or support

Bernhard M. <bmwiedemann>


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