bugXBoard - Bugs: bug #7242, Fonts dialog should not permit...


bug #7242: Fonts dialog should not permit setting attributes on ICS Interaction font

Submitter:  Tim Mann <mann>
Submitted:  Wed 14 Jan 2004 06:27:44 AM UTC
Category:  Winboard Severity:  2 - Minor
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  None
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Sat 15 May 2021 06:05:48 AM UTC, comment #3: 

This was always only a winboard bug, not an xboard bug, right?  I don't think we ever had a choosefont dialog for either X11 or GTK xboard.

Tim Mann <mann>
Group administrator
Tue 20 Oct 2009 03:13:08 AM UTC, comment #2: 

Perhaps we shouldn't touch this until we got the gtk-version out... font-handling is probably a bit different there.


Arun Persaud <apersaud>
Group administrator
Tue 20 Oct 2009 01:31:34 AM UTC, comment #1: 

I looked at this when I was dealing with fonts recently.  It seems there's no simple way to exclude the "Font Style" portion of the dialog.  We'd have to create a new dialog template based on the internal one, and change those items to hidden and disabled.

Perhaps the template could give a small help note in that position indicating how to change those attributes.  (By going to the ICS... item, and selecting attributes for "Normal Text".

The other problem is getting specific behavior for the ICS font.  Currently, all the different fonts go through the same routine and get pretty much identical behavior from the choosefont dialog.  To get different behavior for the console font, we have to indicate to the routine this difference.  It's not difficult, but it's kludgy.  (I looked at this not because I wanted a different template, but because I wanted to have only fixed pitch fonts in that dialog.  Same issue.)

Eric Mullins <nematocyst>
Group Member
Wed 14 Jan 2004 06:27:44 AM UTC, original submission:  

n Sat, 3 Jan 2004 13:52:10 -0500 (EST), Andrew Tannenbaum <xxx@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> when i select options:fonts and try to change the font for ics
> interaction to a bold font, it ignores the bold attribute and just gives
> regular.  (same with italics).  it shows correct font in the dialog box,
> but does not change the actual window.  try, for instance, courier new,
> times roman, arial.

It's intentional that font attributes are ignored on the ICS Interaction
font.  The highlighting feature can apply bold, italic, or color
attributes, so we don't want basic non-highlighted text to have them. It
is a bug that the dialog lets you try to set those attributes, though.
Thanks for pointing it out.

Tim Mann <mann>
Group administrator


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